Sunday, October 11, 2020
Chinese Military Like Soldiers Train on Salt Spring Island, Canada
Under a Treaty signed in late 2019 with Canada, the People’s Liberation Army of China has been quietly massing military troops in Canada since the beginning of 2020 and those troops are believed to be readying for an actual military invasion of the United States.
While it has long been rumored that China began massing troops and armor in southern Mexico for a similar invasion goal, word of such troops appearing in Canada only began this year. Those rumors were pretty much laughed off until video emerged this week of Chinese troops on a back road of Salt Spring Island, near Vancouver, British Columbia. Here is that 35 second video:
Once actual proof emerged of Chinese troops in Canada, we started digging into where they were in relation to US soil and how such a thing could be given that Canada was _supposed_ to be a U.S. ally?
The map below shows where China is massing the troops in Prince Rupert and on Salt Spring Island, BC, CANADA:

It turns out that the globalist/Commie Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, signed a Treaty with China in late 2019. In January, 2020, the Canadian Independent Press Review reported it as follows:
Under the terms of the Foreign Investment Protection Act (FIPA), a bi-lateral treaty ratified with China by the Trudeau government in 2019, Chinese security forces can be stationed on Canadian soil to protect vital Chinese investments, without the knowledge or consent of local authorities. – Canadian Independent Press Review, January 15, 2020
One has to ask why Prime Minister Trudeau would sign such a treaty? Does Canada not have its own military to “protect vital Chinese investments?” Does Canada not trust its own Royal Canadian Mounted Police? Are Canada’s Provincial Police forces somehow inadequate? Or did Prime Minister Trudeau somehow find that allowing China to mass troops in his country might be beneficial to HIMSELF? Did Trudeau get a massive payoff from China to betray the United States like this? What other explanation could there be?
According to locals in British Columbia, PLA troops are troops being stationed in Stanley Park (almost an entire island of a park) in Vancouver, as temporary housing until they are assigned something permanent.
Friday, October 09, 2020
Saturday, October 03, 2020
Are the Proud Boys White Supremists?
Joe Biden hurled libelous claims at concerned Americans.
Branding the Proud Boys as white Supremacists. Can you blame Joe Biden though? It must be tough being an open racist and having your world turned upside down by the radical left and your statements verified by useful idiots like Chris Wallace.
But regardless of what the SPLC says,when the truth is revealed to those with ears to listen. The left's fear isn't about White Supremacy. It is that Americans will organize and shutdown the organized and funded Marxist Army fomenting Oikaphobia amongst the masses of gullible zombies. For the record the Core Values of the Proud Boys tenets are Minimal Government,Maximum Freedom, Anti-Political Correctness, Anti-Drug War, Closed Borders, Anti-Racial Guilt, Anti-Racism, Pro-Free Speech (1st Amendment), Pro-Gun Rights (2nd Amendment), Glorifying the Entrepreneur, Venerating the Housewife, Reinstating a Spirit of Western Chauvinism. Sound familiar America?
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Thursday, October 01, 2020
Did President Trump PrePay his Taxes?
The American people have no idea how complex his tax return is and what he is required to do by law. If he did something crooked, the IRS would already know about it. His audits are continuous.
Have you heard anything in the news regarding the IRS audits and fines etc.
There some who are self employed that are well aware of the requirement for quarterly tax (Estimated, and paid in advance, of course) payments. Standard Tax procedure.
On the other hand everyone with a paycheck looks at their pay check glancing at the deductions. Well folks if you have an FICA deduction, you are paying your taxes in advance.
Thousands of the 40,000 pages in the tax code apply to corporations. We personal tax filers never even know just how massive and difficult all this crap is.
Just sayin, from a guy that had a C Corp and an LLC for 30 years. BTW: I was never audited. Because I never even got close to trying any BS with the IRS.
Again, Jus Sayin.
- Trump never used any illegal means to reduce his tax liability. He always followed the law.
- He never used his power as president to get the IRS to pull its punches even though he appoints the director who serves at his pleasure.
- He took advantage of every way to cut his tax burden. Do you know any taxpayer who doesn’t?
Read Newsmax: Trump Didn't Avoid Taxes, He Prepaid Them
Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump’s job performance? Vote Here Now!
27 Tax Worries You May Have And The Solutions For Each [FAQs]
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