The plant in question is RiverBend, and it just had an emergency SCRAM on Jan. 9th of this year.

It is located near the town of St. Francisvillie. Of note, 4 days earlier, on Jan.5th of this year, the plant also had a “Seconday Containment “Inoperable” Event with a Radiation Release.
What caused the SCRAM?
Lightning. That’s right LIGHTNING.
Here’s the info and links:
On 1/9/16 at 0237 [CST], River Bend Station sustained a reactor scram during a lightning storm. An electrical transient occurred resulting in a full main steam isolation [MSIV] (Group 6) and a Division II Balance of Plant isolation signal. During the scram, level 8 occurred immediately which tripped the feed pumps. A level 3 signal occurred also during the scram. Subsequent level 3 was received three times due to isolated vessel level control. The plant was stabilized and all spurious isolation signals reset, then the MSIVs were restored. The plant is now stable in Mode 3 and plant walkdowns are occurring to assess the transient.”
Reactor veteran recalls account of the birth of a key word in the nuclear vernacular
Editor’s note: Edwin Blackburn, a millwright in the Research Reactor Division’s HFIR Shop, for a time worked alongside the late Wallace Koehler. Koehler, a renowned physicist who designed and built ORNL’s Small Angle Neutron Scattering Facility, was one of three technicians assigned to man one of the buckets on top of the Stagg Field pile reactor when it first went critical on Dec. 2, 1942. He worked on the Manhattan Project until September 1948 and was a researcher in ORNL’s Solid State Division from 1949 until he died in 1986.Edwin was working on the Small Angle Neutron Scattering Facility when he asked Koehler how he became a physicist.“He told me he guessed it just happened due to his college days and I inquired just where he attended college. He said the University of Chicago. I said, ‘Isn’t that where they first split the atom?’ He said, ‘Yes, as a matter of fact I was there. As a matter of fact, I was standing directly on top of the pile when it first went critical.’
“I asked then, excitedly, ‘You mean you met Fermi?’ He explained that he was a technician for Fermi. He then immediately asked me, ‘Do you know what scram means?’ I said no, and I guessed two or three things. He told me this story; I’ve never forgotten it.”
Webster defines Scram as “A rapid emergency shutdown of a nuclear reactor.” To most of us in the nuclear business this term means “to place the reactor in a safe condition.”
Comparison of Chernobyl and other radioactivity releases ... Natural sources of radiationare very prevalent in ... 105 Ru, 106 Ru, 142 La, 143 Ce, 137 Cs ...
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