Here are some.
BBC's "End Day" points to September 24-28 as meteorite strike and start of the "Day of the Lord"
Published on Jan 21, 2015
THAT WE DON´T about September 23rd/24, 2015?
May, 13, 2014:
French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius
says 500-Day Deadline Before “Climate Chaos”
Why would he say this?
This leads to September, 24th, 2015...
May 13,2013 + 500 days = September 24, 2015
Sep 23, 2015
Day of Atonement in the Jewish Calendar
Yom Kippur / יום כפור
Yom Kippur (Hebrew: יוֹם כִּפּוּר or יום הכיפורים),
Also known as Day of Atonement, is the holiest
day of the year for the Jews. Its central themes
are atonement and repentance.
Climate Chaos in 2015 warns World Government officials!
May 13, 2014 + 500 Days = September 24, 2015
Published on Jan 19, 2015
Now less than that 500 Days to Climate Chaos according to the French Foreign Minister and John Kerry statement back in May 2014!
May GOD Bless you all, and keep you safe in his Holy Loving Embrace. Amen!

Sonny 000000 2 months ago
Let no one deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction =antichrist. 1st Thessalonians 2:3 Before Christ returns the anti-Christ first has to be in place. Mathew 24:29 "29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken; And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. So what would create such confusion as to cause even the elect to be deceived? Mass chaos!
Sept 2015 Blood Moon - Asteriod Impact - End Times - Full Documentary
Published on Mar 18, 2015
We're in the last days and - something is coming in Sept by way of the super blood moon.
Those with eyes and awake have no doubt about this fact.
We're in the last days and - something is coming in Sept by way of the super blood moon.
Those with eyes and awake have no doubt about this fact.

The Blood Red Moons Of 2014 And 2015: An Omen Of War For Israel?
Is Israel going to be involved in a war during the blood red moons of 2014 and 2015?
According to ancient Jewish tradition, a lunar eclipse is a harbinger of bad things for Israel. If that eclipse is blood red, that is a sign that war is coming.
And blood red moons that happen during Biblical holy days seem to be particularly significant.
There was a “tetrad” of blood red moons that fell during Passover 1967, the Feast of Tabernacles 1967, Passover 1968 and the Feast of Tabernacles 1968. And of course the 1967 war during which Israel took full control of Jerusalem took place during that time period.
There was also a “tetrad” of blood red moons that fell during Passover 1949, the Feast of Tabernacles 1949, Passover 1950 and the Feast of Tabernacles 1950.
If you know your history, you already are aware that the Israeli War of Independence ended on July 20th, 1949.
So does the blood red moon tetrad of 2014 and 2015 signal that another season of war is now upon us?
The upcoming blood red moon tetrad was discovered by Pastor Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries. He found that this is a very rare event that has only happened seven times since the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
This upcoming blood red moon tetrad will be the eighth occurrence.
The following is a chart of the upcoming tetrad that Pastor Biltz created…
Source: The Daily Sheeple
Is Israel going to be involved in a war during the blood red moons of 2014 and 2015?
According to ancient Jewish tradition, a lunar eclipse is a harbinger of bad things for Israel. If that eclipse is blood red, that is a sign that war is coming.
And blood red moons that happen during Biblical holy days seem to be particularly significant.
There was a “tetrad” of blood red moons that fell during Passover 1967, the Feast of Tabernacles 1967, Passover 1968 and the Feast of Tabernacles 1968. And of course the 1967 war during which Israel took full control of Jerusalem took place during that time period.
There was also a “tetrad” of blood red moons that fell during Passover 1949, the Feast of Tabernacles 1949, Passover 1950 and the Feast of Tabernacles 1950.
If you know your history, you already are aware that the Israeli War of Independence ended on July 20th, 1949.
So does the blood red moon tetrad of 2014 and 2015 signal that another season of war is now upon us?
According to ancient Jewish tradition, a lunar eclipse is a harbinger of bad things for Israel. If that eclipse is blood red, that is a sign that war is coming.
And blood red moons that happen during Biblical holy days seem to be particularly significant.
There was a “tetrad” of blood red moons that fell during Passover 1967, the Feast of Tabernacles 1967, Passover 1968 and the Feast of Tabernacles 1968. And of course the 1967 war during which Israel took full control of Jerusalem took place during that time period.
There was also a “tetrad” of blood red moons that fell during Passover 1949, the Feast of Tabernacles 1949, Passover 1950 and the Feast of Tabernacles 1950.
If you know your history, you already are aware that the Israeli War of Independence ended on July 20th, 1949.
So does the blood red moon tetrad of 2014 and 2015 signal that another season of war is now upon us?
The upcoming blood red moon tetrad was discovered by Pastor Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries. He found that this is a very rare event that has only happened seven times since the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
This upcoming blood red moon tetrad will be the eighth occurrence.
The following is a chart of the upcoming tetrad that Pastor Biltz created…
Source: The Daily Sheeple
Pope Francis To Address United Nations On September 25, 2015, also he will address the joint session of Congress, meet with Obama, and UN's Ban Ki Moon on September 24, 2015
Posted: Updated:
UNITED NATIONS (AP) - The United Nations is announcing that Pope Francis will address the annual U.N. General Assembly of world leaders on Sept. 25 during his first papal visit to the United States.
The pope earlier agreed to address a joint meeting of Congress on his visit. That Sept. 24 speech will mark the first time the head of the world's Roman Catholics will address Congress.
Francis is also expected to have a White House meeting with President Barack Obama.
The U.N. says the pope also will meet with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on his one-day visit to the world body.
Wednesday's statement welcomes the pope's visit as "an important part of a historic year in which the United Nations marks its 70th anniversary."
September 8, Nativity of Mary
From Peter Makin:
I was reading Haggai tonight when I came across something interesting.
Haggai 2:10 On the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, in the second year of Darius, the word of the Lord came to the prophet Haggai: 24th of the 9th month was
What caught my eye, but then later it says, in Haggai 2:20-23 , "The word of the Lord came to Haggai a second time on the twenty-fourth day of the month:
'Tell Zerubbabel governor of Judah that I am going to shake the heavens and the earth. I will overturn royal thrones and shatter the power of the foreign kingdoms. I will overthrow chariots and their drivers; horses and their riders will fall, each by the sword of his brother.
“‘On that day,’ declares the Lord Almighty, ‘I will take you, my servant Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel,’ declares the Lord, ‘and I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you,’ declares the Lord Almighty.”
Repeats 24/9, shaking the heavens and earth, overturning kingdoms, taking away his chosen.....
Could be nothing, but seems I have heard all that somewhere before.
September is going to be a very interesting time indeed.

Peter Makin
Plan for Survival at Home Click Here Pandemic, Natural Disasters, Etc.
Published on Apr 26, 2015
If you take the cords, from the Deep Impact movie and place them into Google earth, the suggested impact is off the coast of Guyana, even though a lot of people have suggested that the Asteroid will hit off the coast of Puerto Rico!
The 1st prediction was indeed off Puerto Rico.
Do remember that the Pope is to be in the United States on the 24th of Sept. as well. My question is, will the Elites hide in caves while the rest of the population fends for themselves, IF this occurs?
I find it very suspect that the NY Fed would move its operations to Chicago just recently.
If you were going to announce an asteroid impact you would first want to make certain riot control measures were in place prior to the announcement.
So if they officially announce the news July 15, for an impact Sept 23-24, that would seem to fit, right?
Nothing is coincidence, that much I know for certain.
Alive After the Fall
Click Here!
They Knew All Along - Sept 24th 2015
Published on Apr 26, 2015If you take the cords, from the Deep Impact movie and place them into Google earth, the suggested impact is off the coast of Guyana, even though a lot of people have suggested that the Asteroid will hit off the coast of Puerto Rico!
The 1st prediction was indeed off Puerto Rico.
Do remember that the Pope is to be in the United States on the 24th of Sept. as well. My question is, will the Elites hide in caves while the rest of the population fends for themselves, IF this occurs?
I find it very suspect that the NY Fed would move its operations to Chicago just recently.
If you were going to announce an asteroid impact you would first want to make certain riot control measures were in place prior to the announcement.
So if they officially announce the news July 15, for an impact Sept 23-24, that would seem to fit, right?
Nothing is coincidence, that much I know for certain.
Alive After the Fall
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