Previously we have reported that The Event NBC latest TV series is all about educating masses about UFO Extraterrestrial disclosure.![]() I got detailed briefings from my top guys about what the heck is going on with "The Event" -- and what it really means. One of them really surprised me by saying, flatly, "I know for a fact that 60 percent of the budget for "The Event" was funded by Uncle Sam [i.e. some aspect of the US government, probably the Pentagon.] They've also funded that television show 'V' "What's the point?" I asked. "Why are they doing this?" "They're trying to tell the truth," he answered. "With a bit of spin, of course." Fulford has gone on record saying up to 75 percent of the budgets of various warlike 'action' and sci-fi movies, particularly those with an anti-extraterrestrial agenda, are financed by the Pentagon. In the last few months, things have gotten really wonderful for the Disclosure crowd -- to the point where I don't even have enough time to try to track and write about all of it, while juggling my other responsibilities. This includes:
Bearing that in mind, read this: Do you enjoy movies about alien invasions? Great news, then: There is a ridiculous number of upcoming movies alien invasions! That includes :
I guess according to this writer, I would be one of those "pop-culture 'experts'" -- but if this much money is being spent on a single theme, there's obviously something going on. Like I said before, we know from Dr. Carol Rosin's testimony at the Disclosure Project event in 2001 that Wernher von Braun, the Nazi father of NASA's rocketry program, said a fake alien invasion would be the final stage of a plan for global control by the insiders. UFO-Blogger earlier this month have reported about how Planetary Defense Coordination Office proposed to fight Asteroids and Comets by Space Weaponization. David added : If you just kill someone spontaneously, out of nowhere, there's no fear. The art of creating fear is in the telegraphing of the blow, so that the person increasingly anticipates something bad that is about to happen. Most of these movies and TV shows have a negative 'spin' attached to them. Again, though, that doesn't mean any such plans to fake an invasion will ever be permitted. What actually will end up happening is the public finally learns the truth -- without the major disasters that were planned to go along with it. The ultimate reversal. Everything the elite didn't want, and nothing they did. David Wilcock Owner of Easily grow your own vegetables anywhere . Click here: Easy Victory Garden |
Sunday, October 31, 2010
THE EVENT NBC TV Series - Funded By US Government
Panic on the streets as volcanoes continue to pound Indonesia
Trisnadi/AP Motorists ride as pyroclastic material from the eruption of Indonesian volcano Mount Merapi billows in the background.Fedriansyah/AP Mount Merapi spews volcanic material causing terror and panic on the streets of Indonesian villages.Thousands of panicked Indonesian villagers fled their homes Sunday as the volcanic Mount Merapi erupted another searing ash cloud, the Associated Pressreports. Previously evacuated Indonesians came back to their villages to check on their homes and animals falsely assured by Mount Merapi's momentary hiatus, according to the Associated Press. Thirty-eight people died and more than 50,000 were forced to flee since ash and lava first burst from the volcano on Tuesday, news reports say. Another volcano, Anak Krakatoa, showed increased activity Sunday, unleashing small amounts of ash and lava into the air. Officials issued warnings to evacuate the area, raising the volcano's alert to "high," Al Jazeera reports. The eruptions come on the heels of a tsunami, that killed nearly 450 and devastated villages on the remote island regions of Mentawai. Indonesia has about 130 active volcanoes. The country is made up of more than 15,000 islands situated on several fault lines called the Pacific Ring of Fire, making it prone to earthquakes and volcano eruptions. You may also be interested in:Read more: Easily grow your own vegetables anywhere . Click here: Easy Victory Garden |
Saturday, October 30, 2010
2010 'exceptional year' for weather disasters: reinsurers
2010 'exceptional year' for weather disasters: reinsurers Berlin (AFP) Oct 28, 2010 Catastrophic floods in Pakistan, wildfires in Russia, hurricanes in Mexico: 2010 has so far been an "exceptional" year for weather disasters, German reinsurance giant Munich Re said Thursday. "This year really has been a year of weather records," Peter Hoeppe, an expert from Munich Re's Geo Risks Research department, told journalists. "The first nine months of the year have seen the highest number of weather-related events since Munich Re started keeping records," he added. Hoeppe added that a clear pattern of continuing global warming was contributing to the natural disasters. 2010 has so far been the warmest since measurements began 130 years ago. New temperature records were set in Russia (37.8 degrees centigrade) and in Asia (53.5 degrees in Pakistan). Only last month, a new temperature record was set in Los Angeles, with the mercury hitting 45 degrees. "It is clear that global warming is getting worse," said Hoeppe. And he added that he did not expect much from the forthcoming climate meeting in Cancun, following what he termed the "genuine catastrophe" of the last such summit in Copenhagen. That meeting, in December, broke up acrimoniously amid bickering between developed and developing nations over who bore the main burden to stop global warming. "Our expectations are lower than they were one year ago in Copenhagen. In Copenhagen, there had been a commitment to success and there were over 100 heads of state. That simply won't be the case in Cancun," he said. On the key issue of CO2 reduction, "there is no movement in the United States and as long as the United States doesn't move, then China will not be prepared to move and these are the two main players," he said. The Cancun meeting, from November 29 to December 10, is meant to firm up a basic agenda for continuing talks on a new protocol to replace the Kyoto accord which expires in 2012. Earlier Thursday, France's Academy of Science published a report written by 120 scientists from France and abroad stating that global warming was unquestionably due to human activity. Easily grow your own vegetables anywhere . Click here: Easy Victory Garden |
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