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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Just get the hay out and blow it!!

Lilleen Dee Rohe " already is way too much oil for the delicate parts of the Gulf ecosystem... University of Louisiana Lafayette. " Is there a solution? This is too close to home!
Drip by drip, day by day, the oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico is adding up to mind-boggling numbers.
Yesterday at 4:01pm ·  ·  · Share
Brenda Hopkins
Brenda Hopkins 

This is such a simple solution to the oil slick in the Gulf it will
simple, effective and CHEAP!   !! WORKABLE!
Yesterday at 4:15pm · 
Evelyn Bell
Evelyn Bell 
Surely some government agency or other leadership should have the right to take over when a rich company gets so greedy it endangers the world -- !!!
Yesterday at 8:13pm · 
Lilleen Dee Rohe
Lilleen Dee Rohe 
Problem is, so many individuals in the amorphous faceless government (not all) are greedy and/or politically ambitious. Too many cooks in the kitchen ruin the soup. Usually too little help comes too late at a huge ongoing and never-ending "emergency" expense, paid for by a special extra tax which never gets rescinded.. It's easy to spend thepublic's money, because no one individual in the government has to take responsibility for the mis-management of the people's money. If there is an outcry over the resultant expense and/or mis-management, then more committees at more expense get formed, and nothing gets resolved well, usually swept under the rug. Too many cooks ruin the soup.
4 minutes ago · 
Brenda Hopkins
2 minutes ago · 

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