Don't be surprised if these and other geological , solar system and climate disturbances increase during the next few years. Solar maximum is expected in the year 2012 with consequent electromagnetic earth disturbances. Expect disturbances to decrease in the several years following. It would pay to be prepared in every way for economical consequences, food shortages, rise in prices, inflation, out-of-sight insurance premiums, health problems, communication problems, etc. Dr. Dee Rohe, AP, BLS, CNC Excerpts~ "There has been a rise in earthquakes in recent months....The Manila earthquake is one of a large string of earthquakes that has hit several different countries in recent months." ~End Excerpts Earthquake Philippines:Manila Quake 2010 – It has been a busy few months for seismologists. Yesterday, Manila was struck by a quake that measured 6.2 on the Richter scale. There has been a rise in earthquakes in recent months, with the most notable quakes taking place in Haiti, which saw irreparable damage, and in Chile, where the damage was as subdued as one could hope. The quake struck in the early afternoon in Manila, as many of the citizens were on their way home from work. Luckily, the epicenter of the quake was centered over 100 miles off the coast of Manila, several miles deep in the ocean. Some experts have speculated that the distance of the epicenter helped save Manila from more serious damage. So far, there has been no serious injuries reported. It has also been reported that most buildings did experience a rattle with some minor cracks popping up, but for the most part there was very little damage to report in the wake of the 6.2 earthquake and struck Manila. The Manila earthquake is one of a large string of earthquakes that has hit several different countries in recent months. Haiti was struck, with thousands of causalities and billions of dollars in damage. Haiti has been receiving world aid since the quake first happened on the 12th of January. Chile was also hit by a large earthquake, but had a relatively small amount of damage from the shake. Japan was also hit by an earthquake that was centered over one hundred miles off the coast. Japan experienced a small amount of damage, but also was left in relatively good conditions with just a few aftershocks keeping the citizens on high alert. It is not clear if Manila will be interested in declaring a state of emergency to receive help for the small amount of damage that did occur. Another article re the Phillipine earthquake: WORLD NEWS by Pradeep Kolla March 26th, 2010 Philippines Earthquake, a 6.1 Magnitude Quake Latest in Chain. Yesterday another earthquake shook the Philippine island country. Of course, earthquake news is hard from rare these days as it seems as if every time we turn around there's another quake. The Philippines are located in the Pacific Rim, which has been the recipient of many earthquake during recent months. Japan, Hawaii, and Indonesia have all fallen victim to earthquakes, even if they didn't cause immediate damage. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons |
Haiti is still in ruins and Chili is slowly recovering. Last night I was sitting at my desk getting ready to write my blog post when we had an earthquake on Mauna Kea not far from my home. My computer monitor started shaking and we had a 4.5 magnitude earthquake. There was no damage but it is unsettling when the earth moves.
At any given moment we are either deepening our connection to our spirit or to our limiting beliefs, agreements, assumptions and attitudes. When we react with fear to events in life we certainly are not aligning our thoughts with our spirit. Most of us care about about the environment and wouldn't dump garbage in the middle of our living space. We wouldn't polute our home yet we have no problem focusing on fear and in a sense polluting the universe with our fear.
We are always either adding fear or love to the world. Which do you think is more likely to improve the quality of our lives and the world as a whole? I doubt fear will and know love does. If you ask the angels to help you see life through their eyes you will see a world full of love. Next time you find yourself feeling afraid ask for help seeing the event differently.
Instead of listening to your inner dialog about fear and thoughts about what a tragedy focus on love, feel the presence of the angels and open your mind and your heart to seeing it their way instead of your old, habitual way. This sure would be a very different place to live if more of us made the choice to do that on a regular basis.
With love and aloha,
Angels are everywhere just open your mind and your heart to the signs.
Make Angels on Your Shoulder part of your daily routine and share it with a friend!