Cliff High interviewed about Web bot 2009 prediction by Journeys With Rebecca. These web bot predictions down below included the high pointswhich are take from two hour long interview with Cliff High byJourneys With Rebecca.
Global Coastal Event -
This has been a bit of a thorn for the web bot forecasters as it hasn't really materialized.however it has led to a new reading of data.It appears now that this is a phenomenon that will come in wake over the next 20 year or so.
First of which will hit sometime after mid may this year.Ocean currents are disrupted causing rising sea levels.Earthquakes,volcano and torrential type rains will all have an effect on this.We will see new rivers being formed and a loss of shoreline.
New York water up 30 to 40 feet.People living on 3rd and 4th floor levels,out of the water.
There will be a huge shifting of resources.We should see new businesses being built near the poles (North and South)
They feed off our our negative energy snub them ! The powers that be thrive when we are hyped in fear.We need to stop fighting them on their level.Protesting only allows them to create more havoc on us with instigating riots ets.
Stop protesting don't let them thrive.Walk away,ignore them..they will need to find a new way to get to us.
There is no money.
The dollar is dieing.China will force an audit of the American banking system. Is there missing gold? The audit will go all the way to Fort Knox why will the ruling elite fight to prevent it?
Is the sun changing color? Its already has a white glow to it.It's possible it will have a blue cast pole shift? A possible 30 degrees
We well have hyperinflation from approx.October 26 to early 2011. Revolution starting.
More UFO sitings. There will be a lot of whistle blowers coming forward as resources and jobs dry up.A very important one will come forward before the smoking gun - 2012 movie..I believe that's this summer.
No money = no power = no fascism People won't go along with their fema camps. Fascism via new laws won't be enforceable due to lack of resources.
Summer of hell yes it will be. Starting mid may to the fall we will see the collapse of the dollar,hyperinflation.Many deaths from starvation,etc.
Two billion people trying to live on 2$ a day!
Roving mobs,marked rise in insanity,crowd psychosis.
Lot's of people in power to disappear. Cheney's hit squad?
Cliff also talked about
new Swirlies software, which could unlock Crop Circle hidden messages in future .
We truly advise you to listen whole interview .
[Full interview] its really worth.
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