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A teenager recently arrested on marijuana charges is accused of torturing, mutilating and killing almost 20 cats in South Miami-Dade in less than two months.
Global Unrest ~ Why so many Earthquakes? Tornados? Disasters? ~ Why so many Corrupt Governments?
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NASA Moon Bombing Is Cause For Worry By Ted Twietmeyer 6-22-9
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Yes, I've heard of the Web Bot - Thank you for this, Sylvia! Dee
Sanford says: And the South Carolina governor started out by using an interesting comparison to respond to calls for his resignation. King David didn't back down after his own sex scandal, he told his colleagues, and neither will I. "I have been doing a lot of soul searching on that front. What I find interesting is the story of David, and the way in which he fell mightily, he fell in very very significant ways. But then picked up the pieces and built from there." As King of Israel and Judea, David saw Bathsheba in the bath (he was walking on the roof at the time, goes the story) and immediately had to have her. After getting her pregnant, he tried to conceal it by ordering her husband Uriah to return from war and sleep with Bathsheba, so that the baby would be thought of as Uriah's. But Uriah preferred to remain at war. So David gave an order that Uriah should be abandoned in battle, ensuring his death. Then he married Bathsheba. When all this came out -- thanks to an intrepid reporter from the Bethlehem-based State, who was tipped to emails exchanged between David and Bathsheba, then staked out David at the Jerusalem airport -- David refused to resign as king of Judea. His presidential hopes also took a hit. I remain committed to rebuilding the trust that has been committed to me over the next 18 months, and it is my hope that I am able to follow the example set by David in the Bible - who after his fall from grace humbly refocused on the work at hand. By doing so, I will ultimately better serve in every area of my life, and I am committed to doing so. Watch VIDEO: SomaLife International Specializing in Health and Wealth 24 7 One SomaLife at a time! |
June 23, 2009 - New A/H1N1 Swine Flu Has Already Mutated. "These months between now and the fall ... we need to prepare
Adolfo Lutz Institute in Sao Paulo, Brazil, has identified a new swine flu strain, A/Sao Paolo/1454/H1N1, in which the hemagglutinin protein that allows the virus to infect hosts has changed. Whether the protein change will make the new Sao Paulo flu virus more virulent is not known. It is winter in the Southern Hemisphere now and Argentina health authorities have reported that three more people have died after infection by the original 2009 swine flu virus detected this spring. As of June 22, 2009, the World Health Organization reported 52,160 swine flu cases in 99 countries and 231 deaths.
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Say that 30 times... That may be how many cats have been horribly mutilated and killed in my neighborhood of Cutler Bay. We have been horrified. We are keeping our cats in the house .... worried about the outdoor kitties... Even a police officer's pet cat was mutilated and murdered and then thrown on the hood of his patrol car (per local grapevine). The jerk lives in my neighborhood... he graduated from the same high school that my daughter did. We hope he was acting alone, but some copycat (no pun intended) admirer might surface. Sick, sick, sick -- and sad. Human serials killers have always started off with animal cruelty. Signs of the times. deexxoo Accused Serial Cat Killer May Not Have Worked AloneInvestigators say they might make more arrests in the serial cat killer caseUpdated 5:59 PM EDT, Mon, Jun 15, 2009 Shown here in his booking photo, Tyler Weinman, 18, was charged with 19 counts of animal cruelty, 19 counts of improperly disposing of an animal body and four counts of burglary. A teenager recently arrested on marijuana charges is accused of torturing, mutilating and killing almost 20 cats in South Miami-Dade in less than two months. Tyler Weinman, 18, was charged with 19 counts of animal cruelty, 19 counts of improperly disposing of an animal body and four counts of burglary. A Miami-Dade judge set bond at $249,500 for the trouble youth and required that a psychiatric evaluation must be done before the teen is released on bail. Weinman would also be fitted with an electronic monitor. Police say more suspects might be forthcoming in the case where at least 33 cats were found murdered. Police said they had him under surveillance for the last two weeks - a period in which several cats were killed. His neighbors said that police interviewed him weeks before on the night of his high school prom when they whisked him away in a tuxedo and he was forced to miss the dance. He was eventually arrested just after midnight Sunday morning at a house party at in Coral Gables after Circuit Judge Darryl Trawick signed an arrest warrant. He smiled for his mugshot. Although Weinman stated he attended Miami Palmetto High School on hisMyspace page, sources said he was expelled a while ago, possibly for possession of marijuana. Also, Miami Palmetto High School held its prom on April 18th - three weeks before the first reported cat killing - according to a PTSA Palmetto High Schooldirectory. Weinman was also arrested on May 29th for marijuana possession, according to court records. It is not clear if this arrest led to the animal cruelty charges. Details remain sketchy because the judge ordered the arrest warrant and affidavit sealed, which would reveal the evidence against him. Weinman appeared like a well-adjust teen who liked to goof off, according to his Myspace page. He apparently had a long-term girlfriend. He was also one of 1,449 members of the Facebook page Catch the Cat Killer! One guy even started a Fans of the Miami Cat Serial Killer Facebook page. So far, there are two members. Weinman lives with his mother, Alba Weinman, in Cutler Bay, where four of the killings occurred. He also spent time with his father, Douglas Weinman, who lived less than two miles away. The bulk of the cat killings occurred in this radius. Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez-Rundle said the investigation will continue. "I commend the police officers of the Miami-Dade Police Department and Senior Trial Counsel Michael Von Zamft who worked tirelessly and exhaustively with our law enforcement partners in order to put an end to these acts of cruelty," she said in a press release. "My heart goes out to the pet owners who have suffered such a great loss." Copyright Associated Press / NBC Miami SomaLife International Specializing in Health and Wealth 24 7 One SomaLife at a time! |