My dear Mr. Musavi, What is a nice Italiian man doing in that darkiest country? Ouagadougou.(BCB) Bukina-Faso Any relation to the Model T? Or (PCP) Burkina-Faciest? Ah allus wanted to dew bizzynesses w/OOOOooogahDOOOooooGAh!! Ah luvs Fords. Now's mah chance! Ah will forward yore plea to mah banque whereupon da Kiwi will takke charge and charge Yore account posthastely. Gimme yore social security number, your banque account number, yore PayPal password, and yore mutha's fathuh's addy. BTW, 'can we work together' 'ot t'have a "?" rahthuh then upside down "i's" ya know?! Furthah BTW, I commes b/4 e 'cept aftah c, and yore recieving in Item numero uno hereinbelow is non such, as so 'tis within da sentence immediately above. I unnerstan' name withheld, but is it true dat yore name is with Held? Wherein kin ah find dis Mr. Held? Ah shore don' wanna deal wit him! An' ah'd advise you to be wary of Mr. Held; many pipple have had troobles wit heem. However, ah see yore am working wit a bigger team dat involves the hol' of Africa! Ah'm not so shore dat ah wants to be working wit enny holes in Africa espeshully iffen dey commes fum Kenya. We got enuff problems wit ho's fum Kenya as it is. BTW, ah appreshuate dat you wants a private email but may ah inform you dat Yahoo is most pubic. Carnivore eats away at allus its chillun and leaves da Spam. I will require a good faith deposit of 3 million dollars, no make that euros, and .. oh, make that 3 trillion dollars.Iffen our main African man can up the ante, so can we. And puhleeze bring it to mah yaht, the good ship Lolita Popps! in the mid Atlantic, Latitude 43, Longitude 27, Fortitude 007, at 11:11, Dec. 21, 2112 sharp! Warning: Don't bring the Somalian pirates! And do brang da cash. Then we can discuss further details. I am assisting myself in purforming a most dilligente feastability in dis regards, so far, the feast is during Passover and now and forever, Easter. Sinerestly, Dr. D. Ng Batte cc: Kiwi Banque SomaLife International Specializing in Health and Wealth 24 7 One SomaLife at a time! --- On Wed, 4/15/09, tijani musavi <> wrote: From: tijani musavi <> |
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Re: can we work together !!
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