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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How Russia would Vote..


MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin would triumph over President Dmitry Medvedev if presidential polls were held this weekend, an opinion poll showed on Wednesday.

A separate survey showed that if Russians were allowed to vote in U.S. polls, they would prefer Democrat Barack Hussein Obama to Republican John McCain.

The polls follow Russia's intervention in Georgia last month to crush Tbilisi's attempt to retake a pro-Moscow separatist region of South Ossetia. 

(deexxoo's note:  But of course!  The junior senator is a socialist like them, and this would bring the U.S. in line with Russia, Communist China, Cuba and Venezuela.. -- BTW, Venezuela and Russia are now holding joint naval exercises in the Caribbean.  ) 

 .. Rest of the article:

Interesting comments follow.  The tide is turning.  Although in reading different articles around the internet, I notice in individual comments that pass censorship, some few nasty angry sounding people trashing McCain and his lipstick wearing Vice Presidental running mate, but more and more are turning in favor of senior senator McCain and Governor Sarah Palin.  


If we become a socialist country, there goes our freedom.  Our health care would be managed, and we would not be able to choose what kind of medical care we could get. It would be against the law to go to the wrong doctor.  We would be taxed tremendously every which way. 


My Cuban piano teacher told me that she and her family fled from a socialist communistic country - it was horrible there after the takeover.  Yes, they have 'free medical care' in that country but no freedom.  They have no freedom of speech at all.  Their children are poisoned against their parents in the schools.  Prices of food, medicine and necessities are outrageous and in short supply. 


The same thing happened in Chile many years ago when a socialistic president was elected by the people.  Travel was restricted... people disappeared... families were heartbroken.. they had to stand for hours in lines to get one chicken for a whole family.  Sugar was in short supply so they used saccharin.. food was scarce.


It's true. Chilean people themselves personally told us about it on a visit here with us in our home - They were emaciated due to the food shortages in Chile!  Thank the Good Lord they managed to overthrow the communist socialist president and they're back to flourishing now. 


We here in the U.S. as a whole just don't realize how blessed we are.

Are we risking it all in blindly getting ready to elect a socialist curse? 


Is that what we want? 


Dee Rohe

A concerned American citizen 



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