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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Scrying (or 'Discerning') for Earthquakes - Pope John Paul II Speaks

Am sharing this for those of you who may like to
learn the art of scrying. You can do it with a crystal
ball, a mirror, either regular or smokey, a glass
bowl filled with water, a world map, or most anything
upon which you can focus your attention.
From: Carolyn
Sent: 6/15/2005 10:19:02 AM


Scrying For Earthquakes


June 15, 2005


In the message of June 13th, called An Activation with the Ancient Ones, there was a statement, ?Today we want to connect with our friends and tell them that the time draws short when there will be more Earth movements beneath your feet.?


I wanted more information about this coming earthquake and asked if we could help mediate the quake and this was the answer I received.

Carolyn Evers



?You asked us if we could give more information concerning quake activity that we discussed in our last message, and we informed you that there will not be a tsunami as the quake will be on land and not underwater.  This will not occur in the Indian Ocean as others. We also mentioned that you could get this information for yourself by scrying a picture of the globe.


For now the next quake is too near to be seen in my viewer of future events.  We mentioned that there is a screen that we can view future events that consist of a longer duration than what could be considered short term.  For short term we see this picture through a current lens.  The current lens is where possibilities meet probabilities. 


This is the method that Archangel Michael used to determine the last quake in the Indian Ocean and the use of meditative processes to mitigate the damage.


In this case the quake cannot be mitigated as the land masses involved in the quake are positioned in an area of low population.  We have allowed this quake to continue without interruption as the earth needs to be released of its stresses without loss of human life if possible.?


Pope John Paul


After I received this message from Pope John Paul, I discovered in a warning from the U.S. Geological Survey that they had issued a tsunami alert on June 14th for the West Coast from Alaska to the Mexican border following a 7.4 earthquake that struck 90 miles northwest of Eureka. California.  They since cancelled this alert. 


June 13, 2005 there was a preliminary earthquake report from U.S. Geological Survey that there was an earthquake of a magnitude 5.1 in the Jamaica region, though I am informed that the quake referred to was the one in California.




The word, scry, is not a word used by Catholics.  However, it is a meditative process to prompt our physic abilities to come to the forefront.  I have enclosed two links so you can study the process if interested.


Though seemingly unconventional, we are being prompted to go within and use our innate spiritual powers to be of assistance to our planet Earth. We are being urged to use a picture of our planet as a focus of our meditation.  As an aside, Nostradamas used this method to write his predictions, although it is believed he used a dish of water as his focus point.

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