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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Japan's dolphin massacre begins - help prevent more deaths


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Date: 15 Nov 2006 11:29:54 -0800
Subject: Japan's dolphin massacre begins - help prevent more deaths
Stop the Mass Slaughter of Dolphins

Sign this petition to urge Japan's prime minister to end the rounding up and killing of thousands of dolphins every year.

Hi Robin,

Japan recently launched its annual mass dolphin slaughter - allowing "fishermen" to round up and butcher tens of thousands of dolphins.
Help stop the hunts:

Researchers have identified dolphins as one of the few non-human species that posesses "self-awareness," or the ability to know that one exists. Yet, during drive hunts, fishermen panic and confuse migrating dolphin pods and other small whales with loud banging, then herd them by the hundreds, into shallow coves. There, the dolphins lie helpless as their pod-members are slaughtered one by one.

According to The Ocean Project, every year, some 20,000 small cetaceans (some endangered) are killed or taken in these drives, some illegally. The animals include bottlenose dolphins, striped dolphins, spotted dolphins, Risso's dolphins, short-finned pilot whales, white-sided dolphins, and false killer whales.

The hunts have been universally condemned by marine experts around the world as brutal, inhumane, and unsustainable, but we need to exert more pressure before Japan makes any changes.

One dolphin supporter with the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society reported on the Risso dolphin hunt just days ago from Taiji, Japan:
"The dolphins are breathing, they are coming up and then swimming just below the surface, surfacing quite frequently, as this would be a sign of stress. I can only imagine the state of horror, shock and confusion that these poor animals are in now. [...] [T]he feeling of helplessness and horror is really hard to describe to you. This is an ultimately sad, tragic scene, and these dolphins will be pushed into a small bay tomorrow and killed."

Please help protect the dolphins:

Thanks for helping today,

Hilary S.
Care2 and

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