Monday, January 03, 2005

The Heavens are Warning You, but are you listening?

Thanks to John Novak:
The Heavens are Warning You, but are you listening?

(Please go to the above website for links to the articles mentioned
below. -John)

December 31, 2004

The Heavens are Warning You, but are you listening?

By: Sorcha Faal (as reported to her Russian Subscribers)

A most surprising event has occurred in the midst of this ongoing
catastrophe with many published reports about animals having escaped
the mass death inflicted on human beings.

In one published article titled Tsunami Adds to Belief in
Animals' 'Sixth Sense' a Mr. H.D. Ratnayake, who is the deputy
director of Sri Lanka's Wildlife Department, says, ""No elephants
are dead, not even a dead hare or rabbit. I think animals can sense
disaster. They have a sixth sense. They know when things are

Other stories about this event have headlines such as, No ark needed
for flood in Asia and Wild animals 'sensed coming catastrophe'.

But most surprising is not the fact that these animals were saved by
their inner knowing of impending doom, but rather that Western
peoples have become so disassociated from the very world they
inhabit to even think this amazing.

In my last communication with you, Social Commentary on the Great
Earthquakes of 2004 I had stated, "Neither America nor their secular
Social Darwinist counterparts, the European Union, heeded the
warnings given by both the whales and dolphins prior to these
earthquake events. Where many Russian lives have been saved by
knowing, and heeding, these warnings from our animal world
counterparts; Western world peoples are still ignorant to their
significance, and in fact live under a system that teaches their
children a form of disassociation from animal warnings also."

In a scientific research paper written by Larissa Vilenskaya and
Edwin C. May, Ph.D., and titled, Anomalous Mental Phenomena Research
in Russia and the Former Soviet Union, one can see how important the
studies of psychic abilities in animals is taken by the Russian

Great expenditures in national wealth and scientific knowledge have
been put forward for many decades in Russia towards coming to a
fuller understanding of the range of powers and abilities of animals
because of our knowing that as animals ourselves these abilities,
and even more, reside in all human beings too.

Western nations however do not publicly acknowledge similar research
and whenever evidence of the extrasensory powers of animals and
human beings are mentioned, their governments, media and educational
institutions are quick to ridicule and dismiss any substantive
debate on these issues. (Common sense dictates however that many
Western intelligence organizations are not only familiar with these
events but are actively pursuing scientific research on an equal par
with their Russian counterparts.)

As the world becomes more Westernized by the growing hegemony of the
United States, more peoples of the world become more and more
separated from this historically common knowledge of who we are as
human beings and what we are capable of doing and becoming. And as
more catastrophies occur, more human lives will be lost from not
hearing the warnings that are being given and that the animals are

In my book Blood Red: Human connections to 'God' through iron in
blood I had detailed the importance of the iron in all living
animals blood as being the essential component in receiving both
higher and lower frequency warnings from not only natural
catastrophes but also those of extraterrestrial origin. I further
explain how Western peoples are becoming more iron deficient with
their mass produced foods, leading to greater obesity epidemics in
their countries, and the promotion to their children's minds of
vegetarian diets through mass indoctrination by their educational

Western peoples are totally without factual knowledge of their
body's inner workings and the associations between iron, blood,
hormones, magnetic and the electro-chemical reactions needing to
occur within them for the successful reaching of their total inner

They are also not knowledgeable about the many great Russian
discoveries in DNA research that is showing that "it is entirely
normal and natural for our DNA to react to language."

In the book Vernetzte Intelligenz, by Grazyna Fosar and Franz
Bludorf, it is said about Russian DNA Discoveries, "According to
their findings, our DNA is not only responsible for the construction
of our body but also serves as data storage and communication. The
Russian linguists found that the genetic code Â?especially in the
apparent "useless" 90%Â? follows the same rules as all our human

More insidious then the peoples of the Western nations not knowing
about these many discoveries is the deliberate mass indoctrination,
through their media and educational institutions, specifically
designed to create their own children in a manner where they are
deliberately not taught correct language skills or proper usage of

They therefore are lost as to who they are, what they are and why
they are. More than being faceless they are soulless and do not
know any of the songs of the earth or of the universe, and in their
despair for lack of true knowing they drown in the sorrows of many
drugs, alcohol and wrong teachers. They are ever searching outside
of themselves for the answers that lie within their own hearts and
souls if they would only look inward and ask for guidance.

So today as our troubled earth trembles in despair of the many lives
lost, and the billions more soon to follow, we must not let their
ignorance of these matters silence the warnings, and even though
they heap upon us scorn and ridicule. They are lost without
knowing, like children. And like children they are led by cruel and
vicious masters (like we all once were) who care nothing for their
children's souls, and less than nothing for their children's lives.

It has been said that a good man will not hide his light but instead
put it high upon a hill for all in darkness to see. Not so they
will follow the light, but that they may see that the light is also
in them. Tonight we shine our lights that those in the darkness of
spirit may see it.

© December 31, 2004, EU and US all rights reserved.

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