Monday, January 03, 2005

EARTH CHANGES? RE: Upper Fl, Keys...THE MOST HORRIFYING!!!!! HAARP STORM!!!!!---the post

I too, wonder if it was about the same time as the huge earthquake.. maybe
we received a big electromagnetic bolt (from where?) shot right through the
Gulf of Mexico, through the earth, and out at the Earthquake spots. Or
vice-versa! Come to think of it, we did have a little thunderstorm here in
Cutler Ridge .. nothing like what you, Kathy, and Kevin (Cowboy) describe.
I forgot, but my husband Roy reminded me that we did have some rain here the
day after Christmas, and yes, I remember some lightening at night, too!
Actually at some time in the afternoon - we don't remember which day - we
had such a sudden, terrible wind that it blew over our metal gazebo and
damaged it. (my days are a bit confused because we came back from our
timeshare early for my daughter's suddden wedding on Christmas, and we
actually lost a day and a half somewhere in Ormond Beach, because my mom had
an unusual rapid heartbeat episode and we had to take her to the emergency
room - she was admitted and then released the next afternoon.. then Roy had
hernia surgery on the 29th -- I'm just now figuring out what day it is!)

We really need to check the time frame as to the correspondence between the
huge sudden electromagnetic-appearing storm in the Gulf of Mexico and the
Big Earthquakes! Who can verify this?

May 2005 be a healthy, happy, safe and prosperous year for us all! deexxoo

-----Original Message-----
From: kathy walker
Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2005 2:08 AM
To:; Global Rumblings
Subject: Re: Upper Fl, Keys...THE MOST HORRIFYING!!!!! HAARP
STORM!!!!!---the post

That is really scarey!! We lost power here for about 2 hours here in
Pinellas County as did some other family members and friends 12/26. It
happened about 3am. I went out on the back porch and shades of hurricane
season came flooding back, for real. We had wind gusts of up to 40, some
60, mph. I thought that no way could this be happening right now. Had to
call Progress Energy by candle light to report our power outage. Wasn't
that about the same time the quake hit in the Indian Ocean? I never put the
two together and am a little skeptical even now.
What do you think?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dee Rohe"
To: "Global Rumblings"
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 2:36 PM
Subject: RE: Upper Fl, Keys...THE MOST HORRIFYING!!!!! HAARP
STORM!!!!!---the post

> Omigosh Cowboy! Thanks, Janis for forwarding.
> Something very strange is going on. Don't forget we also had the HUGE
> earthquakes at just about the same time, which have actually caused the
> earth's rotation to speed up permanently - so they say. Maybe the earth
> had
> already sped up due to END TIMES' natural cycles, and pundits in denial
> are
> CYA'ing.. And --the whole earth WOBBLED then. The resulting tsunamis
> have
> killed a mind boggling heart wrenching number of children, moms, dads,
> grandparents. (see
> "Page Two" from there for official tsunami info resources)
> My daughter and husband have a house and boat on Conch Key, MM63, (between
> Marathon and the upper keys) and we have friends that live in Key Largo,
> haven't heard anything about the storm from them. Fortunately we were here
> at her house in Homestead on Christmas day and -- my daughter and her new
> hubby got married!! :-) (Roy officiated at the wedding, as he was an
> ordained minister years ago and he still does weddings in various
> interesting places.) If I hear more on this storm from family and friends,
> I'll let you know.
> However, a very strange type of storm happened here in Cutler Ridge at
> 3:00
> A.M. several years ago -- the sky was black and purple and green, etc..
> and
> tremendous lightning was constantly going from cloud to cloud, all over
> the
> entire sky, but NEVER TO THE GROUND .. it was making loud weird crackling
> sounds, and very loud strange sounding thunders - no rain. Lasted for
> about
> 20 minutes. I've never, ever, seen anything like it before or since! I
> went outside and stood looking straight up in awe! (and a touch of
> terror!)
> I did report it in Global Rumblings at the time.
> love, deexxoo
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wayfarer Nine []
> Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 7:53 AM
> To: Dr Dee Rohe; Paul Simone; Serena Hoke; Vanessa
> Cc: Ian; Light Eye (G-R); Nancy; Neesa Moloney; Russ Michael; Susan
> Helene; TheMulti-DimensionalNewsPortal; Timestar; vince_wo
> Subject: Upper Fl, Keys...THE MOST HORRIFYING!!!!! HAARP
> STORM!!!!!---the post
> I am forwarding this to be shared as guided.
> This is one person's report of a very recent
> storm created by HAARP. Please be aware
> of the total destruction this operation, which
> is based in Alaska, can create. It is the same
> scalar-wave technology which sent Atlantis to
> the depths of the ocean over 12,000 years ago.
> Janis
> Wayfarer
> Forwarded By: Bob Taft
> Date: 1/1/2005 12:46:45 AM
> From: cowboy3536@a...
> Date: Sat Dec 25, 2004 10:32 pm
> Subject: Upper Fl, Keys...THE MOST HORRIFYING!!!!! HAARP STORM!!!!!
> Okay gang I hope I can remain semi composed here to write this missive.
> I'm literally still shaking from fear over the storm we just had. Being
> a former meteorologist and lover of weather and storms this storm scared
> the sh*t out of us. My other and I sat on living room floor holding
> each other and the 4 leggeds in what seemed like the end of the world.
> I'm not making this up ya'll or hyping this up. I'm reporting what I
> see. I was in the middle of reading a missive on CTTUSA3. The house
> started to literally shake and vibrate from the thunder coming in off
> the Gulf. It had been thundering since 9 p.m. and but could see no
> lightning but you could feel the rumbles in the house. Then the china in
> the china cabinet started rattling, windows vibrating. I got up to go
> outside and the sky was full of purple!!!! lightning bolts that covered
> the entire sky!!!. The air and ground both literally shook and a few
> drops of rain were falling. The clouds were literally an undulating
> mass churning and the HAARP clouds were creepy in the constant
> electrical storm. My other was sitting on the porch and told me to come
> as I was starting to get wet. The air literally shook with the most
> intense booming and very long long booming and weird crackling sounds.
> The wife said "This is EVIL!!!!" and she couldn't have been more
> correct. Goosebumps on my arms and the hairs on back of my neck standing
> up. I grabbed two pieces of Orgonite gave one to her and one for me and
> told her to hold it and use intent on killing this man made Scalar HAARP
> storm but we didn't have enough time. The rain was coming in fits...
> real hard and big drops then it would totally stop. The thunder was non
> stop with one earth shaking booom after another. Here is where it gets
> horrifying gang if it wasn't horrifying enough already!!!!
> All of a sudden the thunder stopped, the rain stopped, the incessant
> lightning stopped and it got so quiet you couldn't hear a sound!!!!!
> was really creepy. Then the sky literally began to glow!!!! blue, white
> and tints of purple and it undulated like an Aurora Borealis/Northern
> Lights.. Skies were totally overcast and you could see the weird HAARP
> clouds and they literally became ELECTRIFIED!!!!!. I've been noticing
> this strange glow all evening and commented on it in an earlier missive.
> It wasn't the moonlight either. I never in my 41 years have seen this.
> I sat back down on the chair on the porch holding tight on our orgonite.
> All of a sudden we both were momentarily blinded and the loudest
> explosion from HAARP induced Thunder. The power went out and we both we
> literally screaming on the porch. I hit the floor laying prone like any
> Marine would in reaction to such a noise. My other was screaming
> hysterically. We grabbed the two 4 leggeds that were out on porch with
> us and ran into the dark house. Grabbing flashlights we started lighting
> candles. Lightning must have hit a transformer as the whole neighborhood
> was black. Then the rain started. I NEVER saw it rain the likes of
> which it did. In 1 hour we received over 7 INCHES!!!! of rain.
> We got the corded phone out of closet that we keep for hurricanes as
> when power goes out the cordless is useless. We called power company to
> report the outage. The rain just kept coming harder and harder and
> harder. The house was illuminated with blinding flash after blinding
> flash. I ran around in the dark house with flash light unplugging
> everything.Then that same thunder, those horrifying, deafening cracks
> incessantly started. I could literally see the lightning bolts hitting
> around our house at neighbors. Neighbors garage got hit. My other she
> started crying she was so scared. The 4 leggeds were barking and they
> were frantic and they NEVER bark at thunder. One of them started peeing
> on the floor as he was walking and barking he was so scared. We both
> grabbed each other and 5 dogs. Between the rain and the thunder so loud
> we could hardly hear one another talk. It was like one constant loud
> explosion, one right after another. Finally it passed and we started
> checking things around the house. Kitchen floor had large puddle, It
> rained so hard it came down through the vent for exhaust fan over stove.
> So started sopping up the water. Finally the storm had passed and we
> went out to porch, still no electricity I could see the moonlight.
> Lightning...purple, yellow and brown colorations were shooting out the
> billowing clouds into a absolutely filthy chem haze laden sky. Moon has
> a chem bow around it and is putrid color. Our yard was a lake. My eyes
> and nose started burning the air was so full of chemicals, the smell was
> awful. I was trying to check for damage from lightning strikes with the
> flashlight. Garage seemed okay and the neighbors garage appears fine.
> What I could see in the street from headlights was all the yards were
> full of water. my wife said in the 32 years she's lived here in this
> house she's never seen the streets and yards flood like they did. I
> took a walk and the neighboring convenience store parking lot and side
> lots was shin deep in water and gasoline smell everywhere!!!!. I ran
> back to the house and dialed 911. The flooding rains must have gotten
> into the gasoline tanks.
> Power company got here and I could see the truck at the entrance to our
> subdivision. Power came back on. Electronics okay, computer okay and
> here I am writing this.
> Well gang I'm calmed down now. The shaking stopped. 4 leggeds are all in
> there favorite places now asleep. My other had to take a tranquilizer
> pill and is now watching t.v.
> She said she's never seen a storm like that in all her life and she's
> lived in the Fl. Keys most of her life. She kept saying..."God is gonna
> pay em back" , "THEY are messing with God's creation and THEY will pay
> dearly"
> This was a man made, scalar HAARP storm gang. I never seen the clouds
> glow, the light shimmering and undulating, literally electrified. Scared
> the shit out of us and I don't scare easily. For a little while it
> seemed as though the world was coming to an end. The sky is absolutely
> filthy right now with chems and fresh trails being laid. Low level
> ragged clouds are moving at extreme speed across the sky.
> Get this gang. When I checked the National Weather Service Radar for
> Miami and Key West both showed fairly benign looking and rather small
> blobs. Normally it should have been short lived and not very much rain.
> Don't trust the radar... as we all know that anyway and the satellite.
> Well gang time to send this, read some posts so I can calm down some
> more... More long duration rumbles coming in off Gulf. Checked radar
> again and round 2 of HAARP storms should be here by 2-2:30 a.m.
> Going to go outside and take a peek.
> Thanks for bearing with me ya'll on this long missive. I feel better now
> and have calmed back down.
> Cowboy, Key Largo, Fl Sunday 12/26/04 1:32 a.m. 74 degrees, Thunder,
> skies heavily chemmed.
> ****************************************************************
> The true story about Terri - from
> the
> loving sources.
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> May 2005 be a healthy, happy, safe and prosperous year for us all!
> deexxoo

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