Monday, January 03, 2005

RE: Chemtrails/Contrails - This was my favorite sunset at our Timeshare Dec. 23 in Ormond Beach.

Hi Kathy,
Did I send this to you already?
I will be sending you more info on Chemtrails.... they are much, much different from regular contrails.. contrails dissipate very quickly, chemtrails (short for chemical trails) SPREAD and get larger and drip and haze up the sky. They can make your eyes itch, your throat burn, and cause asthma, and worse!  Several years ago I found government websites telling about the Navy's experiments in mixing chemicals and spraying out over areas from up high with unmanned planes and checking out how they looked and if they'd be too noticable with and without infra red photography.  
 Before about 1992 or 93, there were NO chemtrails, just contrails or so few we didn't notice, I think.   I have seen up in the sky both contrails and chemtrails at the same time.. have made thousands of pictures including video's and have contracted Morgellons from one afternoon's worth of video'ing.  It's a long story. Check out my website and scroll down to the Contrail/chemtrail section.. These chemtrails contain many chemicals, and even organic substances, like human blood cells! For a long time most people denied 'em.... now even has mentioned them.  My online friend, Carol Becker in Kansas sent me pictures of chemtrails over her area which I posted awhile back in my website.  You can see them there.  My daughter and her sons have taken many pictures of them.. and even my sister in Key West now believes in the difference between chemtrails and contrails.   My brother in law who is a retired Navy captain though, gets very adamant, almost angry in denying them!  He was in Naval Intelligence in Vietnam and either he's been brainwashed, or he's under orders! Or he is very well trained to believe what the 'authorities' say.  What's the diff?  I cannot discuss this with him!  Yet, he is a wonderful, strong, loyal and literate fighter to save Terri's life!  Because of what has been happening to Terri, I know that there's a lot of hidden stuff going on.  What a battle between good and evil.  I haven't decided if chemtrails are good or evil.  If the pharmaceutical companies or euthanasists are behind them to reduce population, make people sicker and buy more drugs before dying, ... they are evil, for sure!  If governments are behind them trying to alter the weather to save us from global warming, increase rainfall in drought areas, replenish the ozone, then they are good!  More research into this is needed.
There are many, many websites devoted to chemtrails.. and there are many forums.. One is - has a thousand or so members.  So many emails about them are sent, that I had to put it on 'web only' reading.   
About the H.A.A.R.P. , that's a U.S. Navy installation in Alaska that sends electromagnetic radio pulses and waves around the world.. deep into the ocean, high in the stratosphere, everywhere and anywhere, etc. Their claim is that it is for communication purposes.  They have a website which I have gone to many times. Actually, there are several H.A.A.R.P. type installations around the world that relay the main signals from Alaska. There's a theory that when the chemtrails make a big X, that it helps the H.A.A.R.P. aim via seeing it by satellite.  The weather changes completely whenever an area has been chemtrailed and H.A.A.R.P.ed.    
We are indeed, in strange  times. 
love, deexxoo
May 2005 be a healthy, happy, safe and prosperous year for us all!  deexxoo

-----Original Message-----
From: Cleo Ware []
Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2005 4:25 PM
To: Dee Rohe
Subject: Re: This was my favorite sunset at our TimeShare Dec. 23 in Ormond Beach. Many C

Gorgeous sunset. I remember traveling along the Mississippi Gulf Coast late in the evening and everything was a deep purple, never had seen anything like it before or after reminded me of the song 'When the Deep Purple Falls". Your picture came through purplish blue. I have seen two tannish all over sunsets or something, one on the Mississippi River and the other I think was in Ireland, weird. I don't know if I could handle the movie so won't ask for it.
Love, Cleo
----- Original Message -----
From: Dee Rohe
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 11:24 PM
Subject: This was my favorite sunset at our TimeShare Dec. 23 in Ormond Beach. Many Chemtrails, as usual, there!

From: Dee []
Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2005 12:16 AM
Subject: [Global Rumblings: asteroids, earthquakes, tsunamis, wars,hurricanes] 1/2/2005 12:10:55 AM

This was my favorite sunset at our TimeShare Dec. 23 in Ormond Beach .
   Many Chemtrails, as usual, there! Posted by Hello  
Brrrrrrr it was cold!  Down in the 30's and 40's!!
I also took a QuickTime movie of it, panning from South to North.  If you want to see it, ask me to send it to you.

Posted by Dee to Global Rumblings: asteroids, earthquakes, tsunamis, wars,hurricanes at 1/2/2005 12:10:55 AM 

****************************************************************  The true story about Terri - from the loving sources.


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May 2005 be a healthy, happy, safe and prosperous year for us all!  deexxoo

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