Monday, January 03, 2005

Flocks of seagulls..

I noticed today as I was out and about driving around in Cutler Ridge to and from Kendall, Florida a couple of times. a flock of seagulls flying around pretty far inland.  Never have seen that before, only see flocks of seagulls along the coast. And in another place in Cutler Ridge, saw another very large group in a parking lot .. some were enjoying goodies on the ground behind a restaurant.. not only seagulls, but some other types of ocean sea birds, including some herons, and egrets which occasionally I do see one once in awhile in this area - but usually only see one or two at a time, not a large group inland! 
Where have they come from suddenly?  Maybe they know something about the area from which they came? 
Dee  xxoo

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