Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Tsunami Warning Issued after 7.8 quake strikes off Indonesia


A 7.8 magnitude earthquake has struck off the coast of Indonesia, killing an unconfirmed number of people. The country has issued a tsunami warning, the National Meteorological Agency reported.
The shallow quake led to multiple deaths, according to Indonesia's search and rescue agency.
"There are some who have died," said Heronimus Guru, the agency's deputy head of operations, as quoted by Reuters. He declined to provide further information.
The shallow quake, which hit southwest of the island of Sumatra on Wednesday, had a depth of 24 kilometers (15 miles). The epicenter was located 808 kilometers (502 miles) southwest of Padang. 
Indonesia has issued a tsunami warning for West Sumatra, North Sumatra, and Aceh, according to the National Meteorological Agency.  
The tremors could be felt in parts of Singapore, a witness told AFP, noting that the ground shook for about 15 seconds.

Deaths reported after 7.8 quake strikes off Indonesia, tsunami warning issued — RT News:

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