Wednesday, March 02, 2016

7.9 Earthquake Strikes Indonesia

 Sumatra Barat Tsunami Southwest Terremoto 7.8 

Published on Mar 2, 2016
RAW VIDEO -- Magnitude 7.8 Earthquake Hit & Strikes Indonesia mentawai Sumatra Barat CCTV Footage Moment 7.9M Earthquake(Gempa) hit Sumatra, Indonesia March 2, 2016 Tsunami Warning issued South west Terremoto 7.9 Indonesia Issues Tsunami Warning After 7.9 Quake Strikes Off Sumatra measures M 7.9 EARTHQUAKE - SOUTHWEST OF SUMATRA, INDONESIA - March 2, 2016 Un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 7,9 sacude Indonesia, alerta de tsunami gempa BUMI mentawai sumatra barat 7,8 sr berpotensi stunami Sekedar informasi, telah terjadi gempa di wilayah Sumatra Barat sebesar 7,8 SR dan berpotensi Tsunami 3/2/2016!!! MORE VIDEO & FOOTAGE CLICK LINK --

JAKARTA, Indonesia -- A powerful, shallow earthquake hit off the southwestern coast of Sumatra in Indonesia on Wednesday and could trigger a tsunami, officials said. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage.

The U.S. Geological Service said the earthquake had a preliminary magnitude of 7.8. It was centred under the ocean at a depth of 24 kilometres, it said.
Shallow earthquakes are more likely to cause damage, but the USGS said the quake was located far from land, about 659 kilometres from the town of Muara Siberut.
Indonesian officials warned that the quake might trigger a tsunami.

Marjina, a resident of Sikakap in the Mentawai islands, about 690 kilometres from the epicenter, said the quake was felt only weakly there, but the tsunami warning caused panic among villagers, who ran to higher ground.

Australia's Bureau of Meteorology issued a marine warning for the distant Cocos and Christmas islands. It did not advise evacuations, but said strong and dangerous currents were possible and people should secure boats and avoid waterfront areas. The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Center later issued but then cancelled a tsunami watch for Western Australia.

Indonesia, the world's largest archipelago, is prone to seismic upheaval because of its location on the Pacific "Ring of Fire," an arc of volcanoes and fault lines circling the Pacific Basin.
A massive magnitude-9.1 quake off Indonesia in 2004 triggered a tsunami that killed 230,000 people in a dozen countries. Most of the deaths were in Aceh province.
Near Panic

From Dutchsinse - Cover up?  He's angry!

Published on Mar 2, 2016
March 2, 2016 

Full post here covering the earthquake today in Indonesia:

Text rant below :) enjoy!

This is a full blown science scandal. No doubt about it.

A large M7.9 (M7.8 revised) earthquake struck Sumatra Indonesia, very close to the two large earthquake epicenters from 2004 + 2005 which killed hundreds of thousands of people via multiple large tsunamis.

The great M9.1 mega-quake of December 2004, and the 2nd massive M8.6 on March 28, 2005 both occurred near the location struck today in 2016.

Today 10-11 years later , in 2016, we now see that the US Agencies tasked with covering , reporting, monitoring, and warning the public about tsunami threats have officially CLOSED SHOP in the far West Pacific + Indian ocean.

Yes, the US Government has made a very unwise decision to NOT REPORT TSUNAMIS which occur in the West Pacific + Indian ocean. Per their own words...


"The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center is no longer covering the Indian Ocean region. That service is now being provided by regional tsunami service providers in Australia, India, and Indonesia: Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre (JATWC) Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical Agency of Indonesia (BMKG)"

Even though we have military bases, loved ones, business ventures, asset investments, and US Citizens as tourists in the region... the USGS, Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, Alaska Tsunami Warning Center, and even the general website IGNORED the earthquake, and IGNORED the tsunami warnings issued by other countries.

Most importantly, they ignored the buoys which were paid for by US funds , installed in the region to provide us with the data, and warnings for the region.

Sending us to FOREIGN sources for information?

There is no reason, scientific, logistic, or financial that should (or can) prevent the monitoring, reporting to the public, of earthquake generated ocean waves (tsunamis).

The fact that I had to rely on FOREIGN SERVICES and CNN to find out if a tsunami was generated, while all the people at the Alaska, Pacific tsunami warning centers are sitting back in their offices collecting nice paychecks....

The fact that I HAD TO DO THEIR JOB TODAY, and report a tsunami to my United States viewers -- several conflicting media reports on the big media channels like CNN, NBC etc... some saying a wave was generated, others saying no wave.

Meanwhile, I had to then go monitor the buoys in the region myself, calculate wave height off the detected waves in the region, and decide if I was going to report a wave or not.

I get paid the = to a part time dishwasher from the work I do online.. this is not an exaggeration in the slightest. Thus, these professionals , dozens (hundreds?) at the different agencies are collectively costing us tens of millions of dollars in salaries alone... why am I even having to say anything at this point?


Ironically, I came under direct attack from professionals at the USGS (and other seismic agencies like the PNSN, and IRIS just to name a few). They came to my pages to publicly harass me, and even said things via press releases, also using their public platforms on their websites / social media pages to publicly slam me personally.. not just scientifically, but say serious accusatory statements about my motivations, financing, and even my morals. Not to mention just plain nasty snarky sarcasm sent my way on multiple topics I've posted on, they did this publicly with no shame.

Now here we are, and these same people are IGNORING earthquakes on the West coast , such as the M4.8 in the Gulf of California on February 11 2016, or the M4.3 in the Gulf of California on February 29, 2016 (just to name a few recent "omissions" of crucial West coast earthquake data).

Now we see they're ignoring Tsunamis?!

I had to go to a foreign site in a different language (indonesian) to find out generated wave information? To get a warning I had to TRANSLATE something or go check the Australian sites?

Nevermind the fact that half the time Australian sites take forever to load due to their trans-Pacific location causing several data lag times.

Nevermind that we're all subscribed to warning apps from the US Government, feeds which we rely on for all sorts of personal, business, and international safety.. and we DO NOT get a warning issued on a tsunami in a location which well over 100,000+ people were killed 10 years ago?!

At this point, my text rant here is a bit redundant , but I must reiterate that this is the single most ASININE thing I've had to lambaste the USGS, NOAA, FEMA, and the US Government for in a very long time.


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