Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Crop Circles Show Winged Ison

Processed images showing a possible jet next to Comet ISON' nucleus as well as the new wing-like coma structures on Nov. 17, 2013.  The jet's position angle or PA is 150 degrees or southeast of the nucleus. Credit: Denis Buczynski and Nick James

Flying Blue Bird Brooch
"Massive -  Change - Mesmerizing - Fountain"
Blogger note- these words have recently come to me intuitively.

Then I came across this comment in a forum: 

 "Is anyone looking at the IMMENSELY BRIGHT 'WINGED' BIRD-LIKE HEAVENLY BODY in the night sky right now? Its very pretty, i'm mesmerized by its beauty, a deadly beauty but beautiful none-the-less..."

"Comet" Ison And The Crop Circles Connection

Published on Nov 19, 2013
This 'comet' Ison is very interesting... from assuming a shape similar to a crop circle with a cryptic/coded message... to the next day, spiraling in sacred geometrical patterns... fascinating stuff!

This 'blue kachina is sure revealing its true nature, right now.
Indian in the machine

Parts of this webpage were read...

Indian in the machine Nibiru Research:http://indianinthemachine.wordpress.c...
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    Interesting connection and lay out - though the photo's in the clip are good on screen, they are not that good for trying to read them - they do look very much like Mayan Calendar pieces of a jigsaw puzzle
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    Haha LOL - the picture here before starting the clip - the orbit of each planet - it would be interesting to know where the planets are in comparison to this..or up coming...then secondly, the orbit of the incoming disturbance is also interesting to note.

    The other part of this configuration is to translate the symbols dragging behind the so-called comet..the winged comet.
    If you look the SUN as being the central part..then Venus..Earth behind it with its moon..then Mars with its moons..then Jupiter with its moons...you'll notice the CHANGE after a certain event has occurred...ie loss of a moon..or are a coming together of some part in the puzzle...the figures do not match up...with the top..ie before the change...Hope you can understand what am trying to say here..have a peek at 3:12 and pause it..the planets on the left..are before the change..the lower is the result of something happening..and they don't add up its like the piece of the missing part gets attached to Jupiter (see the Mars and Jupiter with something inbetween them..is added to Jupiter in the below sequence
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    golly weirdness all around  we will soon see how all this is going to turn out

    that's interesting, dahboo 77 just put out a video about this same crop circle and Ison connection, wow!

    OMG! that first crop circle that ithought looked like a jellyn fish, IS ISON!, look @ the atil! now go to BPEarthwatch, he has some vid's, showing the matrix of ISON...THEY ARE EXACTLY THE SAME!! OMG! Now it is near Mercury and appears to be breaking up, but that just makes it's dispersal field bigger and makes us more of a target of debris,now the big Q is...will it cause or work in conjuction to what the sun is putting out (DNA changing) right now?

    Indian, from looking and listening..the beings are her to help us with the raising up to a level one planet...ISON is the final phase and the sun will raise its frequency...

    Brother...I believe that your assumptions are absolutely right. I am an informed lightworker and have been posting the progress of this bio vessel escorted by two city ships is coming for a prolonged visit, all the way from Andromedia and no more mucking around here. Soldiers will stop and look into the sky.. PEACE
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    The vessel began in the Andromedian Galaxy and consists of 100 consecutive officers, 5000 in total, representing 30 races, from 4 planets of Andromeda. They are the Andromedia council and also members of our Galactic Federation of Light. The first contact crue Blessings xxxxx

    Indeed I learned that from Hollow Earth Network. It's a biosphere.

    Thank you for all your videos. They are a gift. I am troubled by the disc at end of the tail of the Ison crop circle. It seems to be receiving the 5 streams of its tail and a quarter of the disc (earth?) Is blacked out. A warning about how the tail may affect us? Hope this gets deciphered correctly.

    If it is the earth, it looks like 1/4 of the earth was 'burnt up' that's biblical!

    Just a thought but could "crop circles" be Sophia Gaia's way of communicating to those whom may be in tune to those visual cues? Making these messages not of extraterrestrial origin but the terrestrial calling of the mother goddess marking her returning of awareness/awakening and our soon awakening as well.

    You know what this means, don't you. we were warned that this ISON WAS coming by these crop circles .so what ELSE is coming that resembles the second image!!!

    Excellent video! Just a thought though, if it was a UFO why it take so long to get here I wonder? It is interesting that ISON is coming during the pole shift.
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    It is dificult to try to answer questions that are beyond our understanding with the tools of our own way of seeing the universe.

    All will be revealed soon enough, have patience.

    Renee Souder via Google+

    3 hours ago
    From Indian in the Machine. Look how much Ison now looks like a crop circle. Fascinating.

    Sounds exiting! Feel bless everyone.

    <3 div="" thank="" you="">

    Can't wait!
  • oP Guest  Wrote: (10-02-2013 05:43 PM)
    This is just another possible theory. Based on Vedic astrology our solar system has a binary companion. I thought it could be ISON because the disinfo agents are ignoring it when they hyped up Elinin as a side attraction. Ison images are now showing a green/blue colour. If it is not the red winged destroyer it could be the Blue Kachina. When it flies above earth's orbit on Dec 21, 2013 it would look like it is losing its mask as stated in Hopi prophecy.

    Perhaps that object folllowing it at the exact same rate is not an astroid. If ISON has a coma 70,000 km then this object is no astroid. Look at the ilm and it is almost as large as ISON but apears solid. It is way to the left of ISON so it would like go around the sun further out so by the time they both circle the sun the so called astroid would appear to be behind ISON. Just keep watching for a red objet if ISON turns out to be bluish in color.

    Seems like I read that ISON is supposed to be blue when it becomes visible. The December 21, 2013 reference indicates we wereall a year off in calculations and expectations. Maybe doom really won't be so elusive after all. For doom-lovers, I suspect the feeling upon realization will be what the proverbial dog comes to know once he catches the car he's been chasing.
  • Global Rumblings


    This 'cometIson is very interesting... from assuming a shape similar to a crop circle with a .... If it is not the red winged destroyer it could be the Blue Kachina.
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