Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Alert Warning - DISCERN Speculation Only

Discern - these are Jack Still's and Gary Edmunds ideas:

Two comments:

Angelita DeJesus via Google+

5 days ago
Check this video out if you care about your family and future.....WARNING disturbing, very real true information. Not for the ignorant or the purposely uninformed person that cannot cope with reality.

The good stuff starts in at @56:00 and ends all too soon.

12 Years of Slavery The Making of A New ZION (ISON) "Something Wicked This Way Comes" 2013 & Beyond

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Hotep @Aset-Ra Amun Thanx...

Check this video out if you care about your family and future.....WARNING disturbing, very real true information. Not for the ignorant or the purposely uninformed person that cannot cope with reality.
Notice how in most of these disaster movies with subliminals like deep impact and 2012 the president is always black? That's a strange observation but this seems to always be the case. Once again this is another outstanding presentation you are really intelligent to put these seemingly non related pieces of the puzzle together.
at about 1:08:10 Phil talks about death rays & what not, well yrs ago in about 97' i saw something a lot more powerful than what he was talking about, i saw what looked like as a war going on in space. There were unidentified flying  objects in the sky that were speeding trying to get away from whatever is was that was shooting them, these things were getting hit & blown up, but when they were getting blown up they disintegrated in the sky right before our eyes...they have things waaay more powerful  than something that'll turn a city bus into a volkswagen...
Check this video out if you care about your family and future.....WARNING disturbing, very real true information. Not for the ignorant or the purposely uninformed person that cannot cope with reality.
Nice video. I enjoy listening to Phil. What are your thoughts on reincarnation? Do we reincarnate the same skin color over and over or do with change skin tone? Peace
Phil Valentine serves the Black Boule. Yeah his info is good sometimes but I wouldn't trust this fool. As for Ison... All these Peckawoods out here thinking that they will have a life after the event of so called Ison, they are sadly mistaken. It is over for these white scumbags. They really think a white jesus is coming for them. More like niggaz from other planets coming to destroy them. 
View all 9 replies
You need to do your research before you start running your chops...
white people? it s the jews
The two pillars are the two hemisphere's of your brain. The temple is not earthly. God doesn't dwell in temples made with hands. Remember, the Bible states emphatically that the temple of God is within you.

I Cor 3:16
Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? v 17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

...which temple YOU are.
...YOU are the temple of God

Acts 7:48
Howbeit the most High dwelleth NOT in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet...

Any Christian, or one considering themselves a spiritual seeker from the Bible, in their RIGHT mind, cannot even begin to look for a temple made with hands. That would be foolish. You don't find God there. Period.

John 14:20
At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.
He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
in verse 23 Jesus says that If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

WITH HIM. They abide within you as the temple of the living God. Why OH WHY do the dogmatic Christians seek you in a building Lord? When you live within them, together with the Father, just like you promised? The evidence in this video may be accurate to some degree, but the Bible references are all disturbingly off key.
Read more (27 lines)
We entered the sidereal year of Aquarius February, 1962. The sidereal year (the time it takes Earth to pass through all 12 signs of the zodiac and lasts 25,680 years. Within the first 100 years of each sidereal year, there is an "event" that takes place that is known to shake the Earth and bring dramatic changes. We've simply got to go within and work out our own "salvation" by learning to purge the "sin" or thoughts that plague our individual minds. OMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
1:18:09 Hitler Youth and the Harry Potter Films.
Lots of good stuff in his speech.
Good video.
View all 3 replies
Remember Harry Potter talks about 17 being the coming of age for the Wizard aka Saturn...
+offthahook08 Amazing! thank u!
Love your contributions and compilations. Thank you !
The question is what can we do about it?
You already know what to do...
This computer graphic depicts the orbit of asteroid 2013 TV135 near Earth Surprising Recent Discoveries of Three Large Near-Earth Objects 
November 5, 2013 
Updated November 6, 2013
I have should you their plans now is the time to put on the full armor of God...

Well, now, Nov. 21 is here tomorrow - perhaps it's more likely to be Nov. 28, when Ison is closest to the Sun?

(From Jack Still's Facebook pages)

Comet Ison, I petgoat 2, and the coming Fifth Age.
THE NEXT 911 FALSE FLAG EVENT'S can be found on HERE!!!

The shark and BurNing house is representing a Nuclear Strike On the 28th November 2013 at approxmately 8:30 am GMT.

When Comet Ison approaches the Sun on 27th and enters perihlion in the Constellation
of Scorpio on the 28th, The 5th Age Of Aqarius begins. From this day, All the World Systems will begin to Collapse, and there will be many deaths. Also the Solar System Will be affected by Plasma Electrification due to Comet Ison's interraction with the Sun, and this will be seen as Plasm Designs in the sky, Such as wheels and Inter- Planetary Arcing.

Jack Still says, "I have found the TRUTH. NOW you just need to get ready for it.

Very Strange Cartoon video, a student collaboration some time ago as posted by Gary Edmunds:

Comet ison, I petgoat 2, and the Coming Fifth Age.

Published  on Oct 26, 2013

Here is A decoding of the video I, Petgoat 2 By Heliofant, as I see it in respect of Comet Ison, and the coming 5th age.

I believe I, Petgoat 2 warns us of what's to come shortly when Ison approaches the Sun, and events after.
I have completely decoded all of this video, but this is my first upload in respect of this, and only covers a very small part of the messages in I, Petgoat 2.
There's an Ice Age Coming, Are You Ready For The ICE-ON ????

A shout out to Enterthe5t4rz, a great detective who has a fantastic channel here on Youtube.

Enjoy The Video..Gary Edmunds.Gary Edmunds

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1 comment:

  1. .
    Must be some REAL GOOD STUFF in those medicine cabinets !
