Wednesday, March 06, 2013

The End Time: "Red dragons" emerging from the ground in China, earth cracking up continues

FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 2010

In Mexico, an almost mile-long crack appeared in the earth that appeared after a sudden explosion, damaging 100 homes. 

Prophecy calendar for 2013 and beyond -- recent past and ...
... refer to Revelation 12 and the red dragon. Feb. 14 2013. ... and the Antichrist coming outof Russia as Putin. ... (Earth sign). May 10, 2013.

Askpedia - Melted rock can ooze out from below Earth's ...
Melted rock can ooze out from below Earth's surface through a crack in the crust called what? 2. Points. Asked by irockalot - 2 years ago All ... Let us find out.

Also in China, and this is eerie, red mud suddenly started bubbling up from underneath the asphalt in front of a city bus station. More and more bubbled up, and the people started coming out of their homes and businesses to see what was happening. People called it "red dragons" which eerily mirrors language used in Revelation to depict the devil's tribulation torment of Israel and the earth. Crews arrived to hose the mud away, but the more they hosed, the more came up from underneath. One spectator noticed that the road was heaving, prompting fears that the ground itself was unstable. No one knows why the mud is coming. Here are two photos and a google translated text from the original article:

June 17, 2010 at 3 pm, Chengdu, Chen Jia Street bus station near the road suddenly vision. Speculation surrounding the masses: maybe and related projects in the vicinity.

Scene:Scared people suddenly rush to avoid anomalies

Bump of about 5 meters, 2 meters wide, raised a maximum of 30 cm, was half-oval shape, the central 2 m in length with a small crack, red-brown mud with a bubble flow, slurry spreading on the road, forming a 10-meter-long red "mud dragons." "The scene with the movie" 2012 ", a little scary!" Beam near the lottery shop staff Sister said, "around 3 pm, the road suddenly emerge in front of the bubble, egg-sized, red-brown and then continue to emerge The mud, less than a few minutes, a large mud on the stream, while also a little bit up the road bumps. "Liang big sister said," people around quickly to hide away, afraid of even greater crack. " Mr Hui said that the public, forced foot bump and feet can feel the road under the obvious shock.

"Under the road seems to be empty!" One resident said, "afraid that a sudden collapse of the raised floor down!"

Explanation: Appeared normal construction will not affect people's life around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, cleaning companies have used water cannons to wash the mud on the road. But here has not been cleaned up, there they emerge new mud. 16:30 or so, gradually slow down the speed of mud emitting only a small amount of leakage from the cracks in. Subsequently, sections were raised warning line and the cone-shaped tube warning "siege."

As we see the prophetic pieces coming together in the Middle East presaging the Psalm 83 war, and the Battle of Gog-Magog ... as we see the upsurge in earthquakes in diverse places ... as we take note of themoral conditions Paul said would be in place at the time of the end, and now as we collect evidence that the very earth itself is changing underneath the ground, in advance of the coming destruction of the earth by the God who made it, ... it is time to look inside ourselves and take stock of our spiritual condition. There is a heaven and our Lord Jesus wants all to go there. Not all will, because many will reject Him as the only remedy for their sin state. Many people do not even believe they sin at all, that they "are good people" who "are going to heaven" where a "loving God will receive them." This concept of entry into heaven for all is a lie. God is loving, but more than that, He is HOLY. He cannot receive you if you have sin in you and you will always have sin in you if you have not asked Jesus to forgive it. If you do, He wipes it away and He does not hesitate! I hope you do not hesitate in asking Him!

  • Revelation 13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of ...
    Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon. ... and behold a great red dragon, ...
  • Dragons in the Bible
    "And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, ... which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and ...
  • I had a conversation with someone who said, vehemently I might add, that "The bible is a lie! It is made-up by men from myths!" And then she stated that God is loving. How does she know God is loving if the bible is a lie? And if the "lying bible" teaches that God is loving, isn't is also a lie that God is loving along with everything else in the book? Where do you learn about God if not from the bible? Answer: nowhere. It is the bible that says that God is loving, and shows His love to us through Jesus and His Mercy and Grace, but if you throw away the bible, how do you know God is love at all? And if you believeGod is love and know that comes from the bible, you cannot pick and choose the rest of the verses that show His holiness and wrath in the face of His imminent judgment.

    The time is coming very, very soon where Jesus will call His believers  up to Him and we will be received by Him in the air, and then travel to heaven. This event is the rapture Paul spoke of in 1 Thessalonians 5:9and 1st Corinthinans 15:50-54. Be part of this event. 

    The End Time: "Red dragons" emerging from the ground in China, earth cracking up continues:

    Definition of 'Red Mud":(geology) A reddish terrigenous mud composed of up to 25% calcium carbonate and deriving its color from the presence of ferric oxide; found on the sea floor near deserts and near the mouths of large rivers. 

    Read more:

    End Times? Texas Lake Turns Blood-Red

    A Texas lake that turned blood-red this summer may not be a sign of the End Times, but probably is the end of a popular fishing and recreation spot.
    A drought has left the OC Fisher Reservoir in San Angelo State Park in West Texas almost entirely dry. The water that is left is stagnant, full of dead fish — and a deep, opaque red.
    The color has some apocalypse believers suggesting that OC Fisher is an early sign of the end of the world, but Texas Parks and Wildlife Inland Fisheries officials say the bloody look is the result ofChromatiaceae bacteria, which thrive in oxygen-deprived water.
    "It's just heartbreaking," said Charles Cruz, a fish and wildlife technician with Texas Parks and Wildlife in San Angelo, Tex.

    gty algae dm 121127 wblog Blood Red Beach Gets (Almost) Everyone Out of the Water

    Blood Red Beach Gets (Almost) Everyone Out of the Water

    Sydney’s famous beaches, popular with surfers, looked more like a scene out of a horror movie today when the waters were stained blood red from an algae bloom.
    Bondi Beach, nearby Clovelly Beach and Gordon’s Bay were closed while authorities tested the water.
    The beaches reopened in the late afternoon tafter the red algae, which was identified as Noctiluca scintillans or sea sparkle, begin to fade, the Sydney Morning Herald reported.
    Algae blooms are most prevalent in hot, humid weather, the newspaper reported. Australia is currently enjoying the transition from spring to its summer, which begins in December.

    Scientists are sounding the alarm: the mysterious cracks ...
    Trinco Earth Crack: No stepping (LankaPuvath) A Crack Opens in the Ethiopian Landscape, ... One was in Hawaii, where lava began oozing out of the crack.

    The earth goes through 'growth spurts' (if in fact this is what this phenomena is).

    Dragon (spacecraft) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    ... Dragon returned to Earth on ... Red Dragon is a concept for a low ... The trunk was first used operationally on the Dragon's CRS-2 mission in March 2013.

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    The arrival of SpaceX's Dragon cargo capsule at the International Space Station will be delayed due to a problem with its thrusters. NBC's Tom Costello reports.

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    The Anti-Christ Identity? Can we know it now?

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