Saturday, June 04, 2011

Mychal Massie says"We've had Hope, Now we Want Change"

Booker T. Washington believed that every man and woman deserved a chance, regardless of their skin color.
Mychal Massie  

Black suffering, white guilt?: Aboriginal disadvantage and the Royal Commission into Deaths in Custody (Current issues)

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Comments on You tube:
valerie1191 (3 days ago)
I'm glad you have the courage to speak out as a conservative. I wish more Black Americans could hear you. I just listened to the bamboozle reply you gave to Morial's comment. I don't get it, leaders such as Jackson and Sharpton do they not understand or simply don't care about the black community? How long will it take to get the people informed? Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll neve starve. Making a whole segment of our society dependent of a goverment who only uses them for their own political gain is immoral and I can hardly believe that we as Americans have been blind to this travesty. We all need to pray for the evil in our country to be washed aside by Gods intention for all of us to live together and treat one another as we would want to be treated ourselves. Golden rule no matter what religion or belief one has does have a place

falconstrike6 (2 weeks ago)
Amazing - As a 'White Boy' - You give me hope! I am so glad to hear another American interested in getting this country back on track. I am inspired by an Black American (notice I did not use African American, as I am sure you were born in the same country as I) who will stand up and tell the truth about the short comings and accomplishments of all Americans - without leaning on or supporting racism, which has no place in American society. We all know there will always be racism, but it should not be a wedge between nor a weapon against fellow Americans. True Americans are better than that.

KKBre3 (2 weeks ago)
Just discovered you Mychal! You empower "the American Way". You have absolutely inspired me that there is someone like YOU speaking to "be our voice!" So grateful....God Bless YOU!! JBandian

bkbht (3 weeks ago)

I just discovered this site....It is and Mychal is.....totally great! We are "the people," and we need to keep telling our Senators and Representatives that. God Bless persons like Mr. Massie, who can be our voice.
hopeful733 (1 month ago)

Excellent presentation Mr. Massie! I truly admire your tremendous courage and your outstanding clear and level-headed outlook. I pray the Lord will grant you the where-with-all to continue persevering!!

What you are doing is very much like what Dr. Walter E. Williams says he does: "Pushing back the boundaries of ignorance.
ConservativeUtopia (1 month ago)
Great to meet you Mychal

OffensiveandPeculiar (4 months ago)

Killer Mych, killer!


daveymcb (4 months ago)
This is great! Thanks Mychal


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1 comment:

  1. The one thing obama has done for the Black Community in America is to stun them into an awareness of how they have been and are being victimized by their own. Unfortunately it has come too late to save over a century of hard earned racial credibility.

    Hopefully this new found awareness will enable them to see beyond the "color" (double meaning intended) of today's politics and into a future where EVERY voter puts consideration for the future of our nation and our children before the specter of race or gender.
