Saturday, June 04, 2011

All Space Scientists Warn of Disaster Possible 2012-2012 Solar Storm

According to The Electric New Paper:
A GRIM prediction of a world teetering on the edge of apocalypse has come, not from the lips of soothsayers or lunatics, but from space scientists. In a report funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) and issued by the US National Academy of Sciences earlier this year,(2009) space scientists warned of a massive solar storm wreaking havoc on Earth in 2012.
A solar storm - essentially plasma balls spewing from the surface of the sun - can distort the Earth's magnetic field. A particularly big one can destroy the tens of thousands of expensive and hard-to-build transformers in power grids worldwide. This will plunge major cities like Singapore into blackouts, which are expected to last months, or even years, as new transformers are painstakingly manufactured.
Meanwhile, with no power, modern life grinds to a standstill. In the first moments of this catastrophe, trains will collide and planes will crash, as their communications systems fail. Satellites will crash back to Earth like meteors. Hospitals, with their life-sustaining support systems, will see some of the most urgent needs at first.
But eventually, millions may die from hunger and thirst. With no power, food cannot be processed or delivered. Water cannot be pumped from reservoirs into homes. Back-up generators will help, but only for a few days before their fuel runs out.
As sewage systems fail, diseases will break out. Horses will replace cars, the financial system will collapse and, in a silver lining of sorts, there will certainly be no more e-mails for you to clear.
- Read the full article at The Electric New Paper:
Yes, this is related to the solar storms that is currently causing some "warming" in many planets recently but predicted to peak in solar activities in 2012 as "planet x" passes.
What we can do is to find underground caves in desperate search for safety to be away from the burning sun just like the ending of the latest blockbuster movie "Knowing" or the best case scenario is global blackout for a few months pushing millions of people into 3rd world country in a concrete city like Singapore.
Those who cannot find food & water will simply perish easily in this kind of apocalyptic future with massive & immediate job losses (who will work without electricity?) and total chaos will erupt.
My hope is Singapore will band together and "prepare" for any contingencies by being as self sustainable as possible and buy ALL kinds of renewable energies available that is suitable for Singapore.
The government should not hinder the work of invention with patent laws & the inventions should not be profit driven but survival driven...this is a global disaster not just Singapore alone....and everyone have their parts to play...
Do you want to be the victim or the provider? You decide.

Keep Current on the Solar and Geomagnetic activity, flares, storms, etc. at the top left of this webpage.

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1 comment:

  1. Any Asimov fans here ?

    Anybody remember " Nightfall " ? ?
