Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mystery Cosmic Rays Zapping South Pole

May 05, 2011

  "From the Neutron Star of the Vela Supernova?"

The stunning image above from the orbiting Chandra X-ray Observatory is the Vela pulsar -- the collapsed stellar core within the Vela supernova remnant. The Vela pulsar is a neutron star. More massive than the Sun, it has the density of an atomic nucleus. About 12 miles in diameter it spins 10 times a second as it hurtles through the supernova debris cloud. The pulsar's electric and magnetic fields accelerate particles to nearly the speed of light, powering the compact x-ray emission nebula revealed in the Chandra picture. The Vela pulsar and the supernova remnant was created by a massive star which exploded over 10,000 years ago.
Cosmic rays zapping the Earth over the South Pole appear to be coming from particular locations, rather than being distributed uniformly across the sky. Cosmic ray "hotspots" have also been seen in the northern skies too, yet there is no source close enough to produce this strange pattern.

"We don't know where they are coming from," says Stefan Westerhoff of the University of Wisconsin, who used the IceCube neutrino observatory at the South Pole with a team of colleagues to create the most comprehensive map to date of the arrival direction of cosmic rays in the southern skies.more
The once and future star:    The Mysterious Vela X Supernova and the   Origin of Civilizations

Cosmic Rays from Galactic Centers
Cosmic Rays from Galactic Centers

The following report was released barely a few days before the Tsunami which swept South and Southeast Asia on December 26. (2004)

What is important in this report is that it points to a pattern of major climatic disruptions. In fact several disruptive climatic events took place within the months preceding the dramatic events of December 26.  
On December 1, 2004 barely reported in the media, in one of "the largest weather events in recorded human history, 86,800 square miles of China was shrouded in fog, bringing transportation systems (especially air travel) to a virtual standstill throughout the country." 

Excerpt Above Referenced report:  
December 22, 2004~
An increasingly panicked global effort is now underway by the world's top scientists to understand an unprecedented series of 'blasts', energy surges, which the planet has been taking from an as yet unknown source which has been bombarding Antarctica with cosmic rays and disrupting Northern Hemisphere weather systems on a global scale.

The first of these cosmic ray blasts occurred nearly 5 years ago and have been increasing in their frequency and intensity since the end of November. The once normally darkened skies of the Northern Hemisphere's Arctic regions are now in twilight due to these blasts. Wayne Davidson, from the Canadian Government's weather station at Resolute Bay, located in the Arctic Circle, says about this mysterious lighting, "The entire horizon is raised like magic, like the hand of God is bringing it up."  ~ 

Genesis 6 Giants Master Builders of Prehistoric and Ancient Civilizations

Contributing sources:

Cosmic ray - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cosmic rays are energetic charged subatomic particles, originating from outer space. They may produce secondary particles that penetrate Earth's atmosphere ...

The Vela Supernova and Mysteries in

The Vela Supernova, Nibiru & Comet Hale-Bopp: Dispelling myths in Archaeo-Astronomy The Vela Supernova and Mysteries in
Neutron StarJan 27, 2009 ... Neutron stars are formed when large stars run out of fuel and collapse. To get a neutron star, you need to have star that's larger than ...

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