Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Global crisis Confirmation of a Major Alert, 2nd half 2011

Explosive fusion of world geopolitical dislocation and the global economic and financial crisis  

Global systemic crisis - Confirmation of a Major Alert for the second half of 2011 – 

Accueil  >  English- Public announcement GEAB N°55 (May 16, 2011) -

GEAB N°55 is available! Global systemic crisis - Confirmation of a Major Alert for the second half of 2011 – Explosive fusion of world geopolitical dislocation and the global economic and financial crisis
Global Financial Crisis
Almost a year ago LEAP/E2020 identified the second half of 2011 as a new critical point in time in the development of the global systemic crisis. Just like our February 2008 anticipation highlighted a major shock affecting the US economy in September 2008, our team confirms in this GEAB issue that all the conditions have now been met for the second half of 2011 to be the stage for the explosive fusion of two fundamental trends underlying the global systemic crisis, namely world geopolitical dislocation on the one hand and the global economic and financial crisis on the other.

In fact, for several months the world has experienced an almost unbroken succession of geopolitical, economic and financial shocks which, according to LEAP/E2020, constitute the warning signs of a major traumatic event that we analyze in this issue. 

At the same time the international system has now passed the stage of structural weakening to enter a phase of complete decay where old alliances are breaking down, whilst new communities of interest are emerging very quickly. 

Finally, any hope for significant and lasting global economic recovery has now evaporated (1) whilst the Western pillar’s indebtedness, especially the US, has reached a critical level unparalleled in modern history (2).

Comparative progression of the United States and China’s share of world GNP (2001-2016) (in purchasing power parity) - Source: IMF / MarketWatch, 04/2011
Comparative progression of the United States and China’s share of world GNP (2001-2016) (in purchasing power parity) - Source: IMF / MarketWatch, 04/2011
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