Thursday, May 19, 2011

FEMA preparing KIDS for MEGA Earthquakes, ALIENS


A new video game offers a fun way for young people to learn about emergency preparedness and earthquake safety. The video game, entitled “The Day the Earth Shook,” helps players learn about items needed for a disaster preparedness kit, as well as safe and dangerous locations in a home when an earthquake occurs. Once players successfully complete the game for the first time, they can replay it for scores that would land them on the leader board. The video game can be downloaded here.

The game was developed by the Electronic Visualization Lab at the University of Illinois at Chicago, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications and the Center for Public Safety and Justice, which is within the Institute of Government and Public Affairs at the University of Illinois.

a cute video from fema..note the checkerboard get led to various things you need to survive after an earthquake..your guides are friendly aliens..enough said..

Dutchsinse says:

FEMA video game?! preparing kids for MEGA-EARTHQUAKES and ALIENS ! 

Developed by the E.V.L. from illinois ...for FEMA... wow!

wait a sec.. EVL from iLL? what?! e v L from i L L ?

Uploaded by  on Jan 26, 2011
The previous "sesame street" video I did today, inspired one of my subs (NOLINKNEWS) to send me a link to this FEMA VIDEO GAME !!

An alien leads you on a quest to make your "bug out bag"...

Developed by the E.V.L. from illinois ...for FEMA... wow!

wait a sec.. EVL from iLL? what?! e v L from i L L ?

its 125MB ... big file but worth the download... you've GOT to see this... be prepared the music in this game is MENACING... lol ;^)

The NLE 2011 is ramping up... are you prepared?


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

War Games Begun: New Madrid Earthquakes, Terrorist Attacks, Cyber Attacks

National Level Exercise (NLE) 2011, Homeland Security and Fema preparation has begun, joining ongoing Vigilant Guard 2011, which was kept secret until it began Saturday. The two war games play out terrorist attacks, earthquakes and cyber-warfare:
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