Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dr. Turi's work is being attacked,Must be TRUE

Network Email
The Future Is The Reincarnation Of The Thought

A message to all members of Cosmic Code With Dr. Turi

This is the sad reality!

Hi Dr.Turi,
 You now have 2 feedback comments for your listing. First one was mine. Strangely enough I posted that last email you sent me about the warning dates in May to my forum, shortly after the forum has been hacked and my site was compromised as a result. The things you predict must really get up some people's noses! I was quite surprised how quickly my site was attacked after posting your predictions for May. 
DT - This is the sad reality my friend, those evil souls are very jealous and destructive and will go to great extend to stop the light. They managed to eliminate me from wikipedia, messed up my FB account and viciously atgtacked my 5 years account on Yahoo where I wrote thousands of articles etc... Nothing is left of so many years of hard work there but nothing can stop the future... I am so sorry. God thanks I am in constant demand and the truth will prevail...
Please go there reader, you are safe now and show your support for my work!
Blessings to all
Dr. Turi
Visit Cosmic Code With Dr. Turi at:

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