Monday, March 14, 2011

HAARP, Fish Kill, EarthquakeTsunami

Arcane Thoughts from ahrcanum - Conspiracy, HAARP, Fish Kills? 

Note from Global Rumblings Blogger:  
There is no profit in using HAARP to damage Japan.
Solar Flares cause geomagnetic storms and these can cause earthquakes.
We are in a Time of geological planetary Change. Not just in our planet, but the entire solar system, coming from our sun, which is being bombarded by energies from the center of our Galaxy.  So, HAARP isn't even necessary to this situation.  

Japan Conspiracy 2011, Earthquake & Tsunami March 14

ahrcanum | March 14, 2011 at 8:57 pm | 
Japan Earthquake Watching the earthquakes in Japan and following tsunami happen in near real time was to say the least, heart wrenching.  Further threats from aftershocks, nuclear power plant  meltdowns, radiation poisoning, poor weather conditions, power outages, and a lack of basic supplies only compound the magnitude of the crisis.  Throw in a volcanic eruption for measure in Japan at-
More than 200 magnitude 5 (and above) aftershocks have been recorded in Japan since the first quake on Friday.
Frequent readers at Ahrcanum (hint, hint, subscribe in the sidebar  for updates or follow us on twitter) know that we've written about numerous catastrophic events with a conspiracy twist.  Last year in 2010, both Chile and Japan were hit with large quakes that raised our antennae to the possibility that these events may have been caused by man. The last 9M quake that we recall, was the 9.1M quake off the coast of Sumatra in 2004 that killed and estimated 228,000 people.
It has taken us days to absorb the magnitude of another 9.0M earthquake.  What more could we say that others have expressed so eloquently?  As reports began with a 100 dead, we immediately knew these numbers were destined to rise with new reports nearing 10,000 people dead and bodies lining shorelines and buried in the mud.
Were there warnings by nature across the globe that went unheeded? reported of huge schools of fish being so close to shore that fisherman were out with buckets in Acapulco about the same time as the earthquake hit in Japan.
A couple troll their little boat through a mass of dead fish in the King Harbor Marina.
Just days before, millions of anchovie were found dead with reports of  fish kills in California, dead seals New Jersey and dead dolphins along the Gulf Coast. Previously reviewed in this article at
The cause of the die-off is nearly always decaying algae. Although the oceans are awash in algae, these microscopic organisms bloom when fed by nutrients such as fertilizers and human and animal waste washing off the land. Stoked by such nutrients and exposed to sunlight, algae flourish and then die and sink to the bottom. Bacteria then take over, breaking down the plant matter and sucking the oxygen out of seawater. That leaves little or none for fish and other marine life.
One commentator, Kevin on the article wrote:
Earth is undergoing a magnetic reversal. Fish use magnetic polaraty to navigate like a GPS system. No red tide caused them in here. A magnetic anomaly did. They swam against the wall agressivly and with out end till they died off from cardiac arrest.
A magnetic anomaly?  Decaying algae?  Hummm.  There were rumors of another wormhole sort of blue spiral over Russia just days before on, March 10, 2011. The video is located at A test practice for the capabilities of HAARP?
Could HAARP truly unleash the power to create an underground tectonic plate shift that resulted in Japan moving 2.4 meters, according to has done our homework for us by posting the magnometer readings from Alaska, (which is in part a joint consortium with Japan) during the time of the earthquake. Obviously the charts reflect some increase as expected.  The question lurks if an array can cause enough heating of the magnetosphere to not only record an event but, perhaps cause an event?
The Atlantean Conspiracy  points out that HAARP was basically flatlined in the days before the quake.  Coincidence?
And, what was CERN up to? A whole lot of particles on any given day that just happened to restart, "at the weekend," according to  Another hummm?
"We can not rule out the possibility of an explosion", said Chief cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano on Sunday regarding Unit 3 of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex.  Unit 1 exploded Saturday resulting in tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people evacuating the area. Today, Monday March 14, 2011 there are reports if addional explosions at Unit 3 and reports of radiation contamination.
Efforts that amount to a Hail Mary Pass might as well turn to only saying  Hail Mary prayers for the people of Japan and what effects a nuclear release of radiation will have; wherever the clouds may blow.  If you do not think those clouds from Japan can and will blow over the U.S.A., you are sadly mistaken.
As for Coronal Mass Ejections- we have seen our fair share as of late, but really nothing that should trip this kind of trigger.  But, Piers Morgan with Info Wars affiliation says the massive earthquake and tsunami were triggered by massive events on the sun and that there are more to come in the next two years.
So we may glance at the moon and its predictions this week of super powers from a supermoon.  This week, March 19 will bring a full moon that will bring perigee when the moon is closest to the Earth. Will we see more earthquakes, additional volcanic eruptions?
An earthquake can move the earth's axis and change the length of the time of day and shift the alignment of the poles according to NASA at,  The inertia of a predicted pole shift anticipated for 2012 is significantly twisting our antennae as well.
Is The Great Japanese Earthquake the beginning of the end for the 3rd largest economy in the world?  A sign of things to come? A sign of things ending? Recent reports are of 965 micro sieverts have been measured in the area surrounding the latest nuclear plant explosion with the mayor saying Tokyo has now started monitoring radiation.  This is the same, "Tokyo mayor Ishihara alleges tsunami is "heavenly retribution for Japan's greed."
What words could we write to say how insensitive Ishihara's statement is, and that you Sir are an ass?
Just how long until the California coastline is affected?  Stay tuned.
Earthquakes in Japanese
USGS a quake list for 10 -degree map centered at 35N, 140E, the Honshu Region-
Live UStream TV Japan
Aljazeera TV in English at
Top of Page, Japan earthquake image credits to

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