Friday, July 23, 2010

Gov. Jindal declares "State of Emergency", Evacuation orders expected

Governor Jindal declares State of Emergency; Oil could "enter coastal homes", evacuation orders expected today

Jindal declares emergency preparing for storm, Shreveport Times, July 23, 2010:

Gov. Bobby Jindal on Thursday declared a state of emergency… [The storm] was spending a lot of time over water, instead of land which would break it up. "It's wise to prepare for a Category 1 hurricane, just in case," the governor said…

The biggest worry, state officials said, is thatwinds and high tides would drive the Deepwater Horizon oil far up into Louisiana's marshes, which serve as nurseries for much of the nation's seafood. If that happens, it could also enter coastal homes and camps. "There's apotential for winds and waves to drive oil inland," Jindal said. … He said BP wil be held accountable for any damages caused by oil intrusion.

Agriculture Secretary Mike Strain instructed cattlemen along the coast to secure their livestock to prevent any exposure to oil

Parishes with low-lying areas that usually flood during storms are expected to issue evacuation orders today as the disturbance moves closer to the state.

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