Friday, February 02, 2007

Re: GI... Global warming & Kosovo

Thank you very much for this, Pavel. 
May I add, it is indeed amazing how the scientists don't seem to notice earth's relation to the global warming of all the other planets in our solar system.... the sunspots, the shifting of our magnetic north, the fluxes in the electromagnetic fields caused by the energy bombardments from the center of our galaxy... which of course is the main cause of the natural cycle of  global warming of ALL the planets -- the earthquakes --- the outgassing of the volcanoes... the noticeable shifting of the continental shelves.   Our hairsprays, and our petroleum burning machines, our dwindling rainforests, our microwaves are not causing the sunspots, the melting of the polar ice caps on Mars, the storms on Jupiter, now are they?  hmmmmnn..
Of course, we should do everything we can here on Earth to keep our atmosphere and dear planet pollution free, in any case - and find alternatives to destroying the rainforests, etc. -  no sense adding human mis-influence to the mix.

Pavel Djurcok <paveld@ptt.yu> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 1:15 PM
Subject: GI... Global warming & Kosovo

February 2, 2007 (13)
 Two news from so called United nations, today... (Full Moon Tides, Feb. 2, 05:45 UT)....
   The U.N. climate panel with its "strongest warning yet" to combat "likely" manmade 'accelerating' global warming, as the  first one....
 GI (Gravitational Induction) doesn't diminish human induced influence on the climate, but finding the mentioned factor - secondary...
 As the primary one, GI considers, conditionally named - solar / geomagnetic activity with its phenomena and cycles...
 Just to remind, almost 300 years  ago has ended so called "The Little Ice age (AD 1645-1715)" caused by a lowered sunspot activity, so some "global cooling"....
 The "Dark Age", of circa 1100 years before that might be something similar "cooling" but the record that might suggest some "cooling" cycle are not sufficiently conclusive....
  Neither are enough conclusive the temperatures measurement data/statistics (less than 150 years)...
 It would be interesting to compare the temperatures trends, about the peaks of the 'major' solar cycles of 206 years.... It is known, that 'strong' solar cycles (11/22 years) about the peak of 'major' solar cycle of AD 1794 continued up to 1840's.... before the first thermometers....
 The solar physicists have announced a "strong" solar cycle (to peak in 2012) that SHOULD start, already....
 But, apart from a several 'minor' episodes ( 'coincided' with 'regular' meteor plasmas and the comet apparition) there were not any serious signs of the rising of the solar activity, yet....
 I do agree that combat against the pollution is a good work...
But, nobody is speaking about another pollution, so fast growing within past decade.... It is known that solar microwave radiation is harmful  for the terrestrial 'issues'.. But, what about your microwave cellular phones (the hundreds of millions nowadays) ????
 If they don't affect the weather (terrestrial magnetosphere) why is advisable to switch them off during the thunderstorms ????
 Another thing.... repeating... the weather extremes nowadays (2006 and 2007)  are 'coinciding' with so called Major Lunar Standstill peak (18.6 year lunar precession cycle - observed by the Moon's maximum monthly range of rising and setting), so, IMHO this lunar cycle peak makes the observation values a bit 'atypical'...
 Another atypical thing from the "U.N." is Kosovo (and Metohia).... Somebody is trying to breach the U.N. Security council resolution 1244 and to form the 4th Albania /  the oldest was an ancient kingdom of Albania, near the ancient Iberia in the Caucasian area  ( now s. Dagestan and Azerbaijan), the second was the ancient Scotland ( as the Latinization of a Gaelic Alba), the third is Albania, formed in 1913 )....
  Reminding those willing to combat the pollution and global warming -by that U.N. resolution was ended the NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999 (not mentioned in the resolution) when, among the thousands of tons of 'conventional' dumped bombs were also those with depleted Uranium...
..... Interestingly, there were a lot of stories about the 'Iraq war' lies.... but nobody says about the "media pollution"  during the 1999 NATO bombing campaign in Serbia....
 So, it seems that those  "polluters" are trying to complete their 'legacy'......
 Do not trust them, they are the enemies of the truth.....

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