Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Are people oblivious?

Jim Bramlett
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Major signs
Jim Bramlett
Jan 30, 2007

Dear friends:

Bible/prophecy scholar Perry Stone was recently interviewed by the Daystar Christian television network.  Perry and the interviewer were in Jerusalem, at a beautiful location with a picturesque view overlooking the city and Temple Mount.

He was asked what is different today than in decades past that reveals the soon coming of the Lord.  Perry mentioned four things:

1.  Just recently, for the first time in history, the nations of the world have dramatically lined up against Israel, just as the Bible says.  This is a major end-time sign.

2.  Recently, for the first time ever, the Lord is being proclaimed from Jerusalem, just as the Bible said it would (e.g., Psalm 102:21).  They were doing this even at the moment of the telecast, to a worldwide audience.  Several worldwide TV and radio networks do the same, probably 24/7.  This is profound.

3.  Just recently, nuclear weapons have been and are being proliferated among nations belligerent to Israel and the West.

4.  Just recently, leaders of these nations are, or soon will be, able and perfectly willing to use them, even if it means destroying themselves to fulfill their deluded religious beliefs, e.g., Iran.  They will soon be capable of destroying all of Israel.  But Perry reminds us of the Lord's promise, "If the Lord had not cut short those days, no one would survive. But for the sake of the elect, whom he has chosen, he has shortened them" (Mark 13:20, NIV).

Items 1-3 above have already happened.  Item 4 may be imminent.  Iran will soon have the capability.  Terror groups such as Al Queda may already have some of the suitcase nukes missing from Russia's inventory.  The use of them may be imminent.

Most Americans and others in the West seem totally oblivious to the clear and present danger.  There has never been a more critical time to be ready to meet Jesus and to tell others about Him.


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