Sunday, September 04, 2005

Sorcha Faal + Mel Gibson + David Booth + ????????????

Thanks, Larry!
Very interesting viewpoint.  Quite often I have noticed that some seemingly outrageous 'prediction' or observation of 'hers' is later borne out to be true! 
And like you said, the news of it, when finally seen is well hidden in small articles somewhere, afterwards.
Sorcha Faal seems to be such an
ENIGMA in today's world. Some have
referred to her as 'Toyko Rose'
anew! There are reports that she
is connected with David Booth and
Mel Gibson. I am sure that Sorcha
Faal has her own agenda, however;
much of her writings have some
very interesting TRUTH dropped in
the midst, if you can DISCERN it.

I had a phone conversation with
Zeph Daniel a few days ago about
Sorcha's writings and he made a
very interesting comment that her
writings seem to read like a CODE
of some sort. Some things she
writes seems so blown out of
proportion, however; later, this
appears to happen but is mostly
hidden in small news articles that
most never see. Seems like she is
receiving INTEL from a source that
is linked to what's soon to happen
and writes Intel of coming activity
that someone knowing her writing
CODE will know what she's really
saying! Not prophecy, but an
Intelligence prediction......!

Sorcha Faal is an ENIGMA, so if you
read her articles --- DISCERN them
as such and maybe see what the
article points at and not so much
as what is said?

Larry Taylor
September 4, 2005 9:30am Central

Fuel Factor, the Gasoline Saver and engine Performance
Enhancer is now on our website! 
Dee and Roy

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