Sunday, September 04, 2005

Oh the Blame Game..the wasteful finger pointing

Give me a break.  Like the finger pointers are the only perfect people on this planet. 
Those doing the raping are responsible for doing the raping.   Those doing the shooting are responsible for doing the shooting. Those doing the looting are responsible for doing the looting.  Those murdering are murderers. Those desperate drug addicts are desperate drug addicts.  Those rescuing are rescuing, even if they are later than sooner in doing it and should be appreciated.  Those helping one another are wonderful, good people whether they are black or white, rich or poor, private citizens, or public officials.  And there are more good people helping one another than not.
The heroes are the quiet ones, they're too busy making things right. 
Those blaming anybody and everybody, complaining about inevitable government and human imperfections are wasting theirs and everyone else's valuable time and energy, making things much, much worse, being irresponsible themselves.Talk is cheap.  Grow up, whiners, complainers, finger pointers!  Stop expecting and demanding the government to be your perfect babysitter, to be peopled with perfect, competent saints, and pull up yourself and your  neighbors by your own bootstraps, by your immediate help, by your constructive comments!  Shut up and get busy. 
The following  is Cyndi's excellent and insightful opinion:
What a well written letter. I commend your common sense.  I too am a bit outraged that this is being blamed on Bush and the "white America"....when it was the Mayor and Governor  LA that did not appropriately evacuate.  They are the nin-com-poops that put a ton of people in the SuperDome knowing it was in the path.  They are the ones that only kept 3 lanes open to get out of LA. (Instead of making a fourth lane in the grassy median and utilizing the incoming highway as an also outgoing highway.)  They are the ones that didn't ask folks to please grab a family and take them with you if you have room in your cars.  They are the ones that did not bus folks out on school buses, etc. NOT BUSH.  

New Orleans has had the highest rated murder crime rate in the country the past few years. This was not due to Bush....or the hurricane.  I can understand looting for food....but rape?  What the heck does RAPE have to do with being hungry, tired, and feeling abandonded? Shootings at emergency helpers? PLEASE. Attacking the police to the point that 2/3d's realized their own lives and safety were at risk when they were only trying to keep civility that they left.  Can one blame them? Job, or not, who wants to be shot at randomnly by thug gangs?  They are human beings too.  Black and white with families and children to care for and they also lost their homes.  When you know the police were leaving the scene.....that's when one should have realized that this has become a war zone and not an agenda for politics.

I also want to say to all these black news reporters that are blaming this on racism that they are so full of prejudice that it makes me want to puke.  Who do they think is contributing to the donations of Hurricane Katrina? Only blacks? Who are the workers that I see passing out food and water at the Superdome when it did arrive?

YES....I agree it was very poorly and stupidly planned...and I don't know if that was primarily the Gov and Mayor of New Orleans and LA....or FEMA....and I don't blame the folks one iota for being upset over the ridiculous stalling of help....HOWEVER, help would have been much more abundant and plenty had there not been gangs of thugs turning it into a damn war zone.  Why aren't THEY getting blamed?  It's been said that every single toilet, stall, mirror and bathroom in the Superdome has been trashed and busted and ripped from the walls.  Do you really think that was because people were hungry? No.  It's because there are unfortunately some very criminal minds in this country who don't give a flying hoot about their neighbor and furthermore not care one iota of the life and heart beating next to them whether its a black person or a white person....THAT is very sad. THAT is what the problem is and was..........not a black/white issue.

It's easier to blame this on race, and the President, and that makes me quite sad.  Do they really think Bush gathered his crew, especially knowing Condoleeza Rice...practically more of a role as VP than Cheney....and who is black, and said..."lets stall this so we can lose some black people?"  Gimme a break.   I will never believe that slandering of prejudice no matter who our President.  This was a horrible tragedy and the aftermath horrendous.

Instead of making this a black / white issue and placing about doing something constructive in the media like connecting families lost from another, and organizing homes in the USA available to take in other families..and start approaching corporations, movies stars, and atheletes, who could each agree to sponser the cost of flights to get families in need to other families whose doors are open in the USA....and quite using tragedies to further political and biased agenda's.

Just my opinion.

Take care, Cyndi

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