Wednesday, September 14, 2005


-----Original Message-----
From: Isralert
Sent: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 7:44:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time

If you're looking for a message, here is a message:
Preserve the integrity of the Land of Israel. Do not place Jews in harms way. Do not make Jews vulnerable again to terror. Do not embolden terrorists, who see the surrender as proof of their success and guarantee many more years of terror. Do not grant victory to Israel's enemies. Do not make Israel vulnerable to enemies who wish to eradicate her. Yes. Eradicate. Do not reward terror.

It's Global Warning, NOT Global Warming!
by Rabbi Baruch Binyamin Hakohen Melman source: Isralert subscriber/commentator Rabbi Baruch Melman

Besides the great city of New Orleans, can you name the twenty five or so other towns along the Gulf coast that were virtually wiped out, washed away, left with mostly foundations but little else standing?
While New Orleans got most of the attention, the vast majority of small hamlets that were washed away received virtually no media attention.
Researching the message boards and noting survivor(refugee) reports, I came up with these 24 names. Spellings are based on message board spellings. They may or may not be spelled correctly.
25 cities and towns devastated - one for each of the 25 Jewish towns (21 in Gaza, 4 from northern Samaria) wiped off the face of the map for  the crime of being Jewish. Had they converted to Islam, they would have been permitted to remain. The correlation is uncanny. This, too, cannot be ignored, at least by those who are impressed by such things.
I shall list them for you:
New Orleans, LA
Marrero, LA
Harvey, LA
Terrytown, LA
Gretna, LA
Slidell, LA
Gulfport, LA
Lacombe, LA
Hammond, LA
Buras, LA
Pas Christian, LA
Mandeville, LA
Covington, LA
Ocean Springs, LA
Diamondhead, LA
Jefferson Parish
St. Bernard Parish
Pluquense Parish
Biloxi, MS
Waveland, MS
Bay St. Louis, MS
Diberville, MS
Vancleau, MS
Gulf Shore, AL
Mobile Bay, AL
We all pray for the survivors that they have a complete and speedy healing. You didn't deserve this suffering. Our hearts go out to you.
Now it has been proclaimed of late that Katrina was a message from above, in fulfillment of the statement from Genesis, "I shall bless those that bless thee and curse those that curse thee."  No sooner were the bulldozers sweeping away the last traces of Jewish life in Gaza, but Katrina was
shifting course and heading straight for the Gulf Coast, now a Category 5 hurricane.
It had been predicted for decades, but why NOW of all times?
If you're looking for a message, here is a message:
Preserve the integrity of the Land of Israel. Do not place Jews in harms way. Do not make Jews vulnerable again to terror. Do not embolden terrorists, who see the surrender as proof of their success and guarantee many more years of terror. Do not grant victory to Israel's enemies. Do not make Israel
vulnerable to enemies who wish to eradicate her. Yes. Eradicate. Do not reward terror.
850,000 American internal refugees for 8,500 Jews made refugees inside their land. Biblical proportions. One hundredfold. Soldiers and police forcibly removing men, women and children from their homes against their will. 25 American towns for 25 Jewish towns. If you believe in coincidences, hang up now.
Midah keneged midah. Measure for measure.
The world, America at least has now gotten fair warning from He that created the sea, the sand and those who once lived there.
It makes you think. 


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