Monday, September 12, 2005

Bad, bad coriolis! - Which way does a hurricane spin?

Be very, very careful what you put into that head,
because you will never, ever get it out.

Thomas Cardinal Wolsey (1471-1530)
   Bad Coriolis
Click on the symbol for its explanation.

Bad Meteorology:
The water in a sink (or toilet) rotates one way as it drains in the
 northern hemisphere and the other way in the southern hemisphere.
 Called the Coriolis Effect, it is caused by the rotation of the Earth.

First on this page is a discussion of the issue. Towards the bottom of the page you can see examples of incompetence from PBS,NPR, and Sports Illustrated. See:  for full article!

Fuel Factor, the Gasoline Saver and engine Performance
Enhancer is now on our website! 
Dee and Roy

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