Saturday, January 22, 2005

Pressure zone has formed in the North Atlantic, west of the Canaries

From:  "Larry W. Taylor" <From_The_Edge@w...>
Date:  Sat Jan 22, 2005  12:25 pm
Subject:  Deyo Reports New Pressure Zone in North Atlantic

Jan. 21, 2005/
Scientist Stan Deyo reports
a new pressure zone has formed in the North
Atlantic, west of the Canaries. Should this
convert to a large seismic event, it could produce two tidal waves.
One from the seismic event itself and later, a secondary one,
produced after the shock wave hits Cumbre
Vieja triggering a massive earthslide into the ocean.
Scattered pressures are
appearing on the Juan de Fuca plate's western border.
Aftershocks continue from India to Java.
Australia and Fiji also have developing
pressures. Of particular interest, though
not readily visible in these maps, are three
volcanoes in Guatamala (Fuego and Santa
Maria) and Mexico (Colima), which have been
erupting since the last week of December.
With all the activity along the Pacific Ring
of Fire, these volcanoes could indicate that
the Cascade Volcano Chain might be awakened
soon. [see Geophysical on Deyo Website].
Stan & Holly Deyo Website:
Larry Taylor


Stay in your heart. Regardless of what happens, stay in your heart.


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