Saturday, January 22, 2005

Earthquakes - East Coast, Ecuador , etc. 1-22-05 - The window that will be the gateway to a wave of intense earth events opened on January 19

"TimeStar forecasts the Atlantic seaboard and eastern U.S. will be the focus of activity through February, even though these areas look calm at this writing on January 22. "
 On Behalf Of TimeStar
Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2005 6:47 PM
To: TimeStar Forecasts and Announcements
Subject: [TimeStar] East Coast, Ecuador, etc. 1-22-05

The window that will be the gateway to a wave of intense earth events opened on January 19, with the full moon coming on January 26, 2005.  TimeStar forecasts the Atlantic seaboard and eastern U.S. will be the focus of activity through February, even though these areas look calm at this writing on January 22. 
Earthquakes are concentrating in South America, with 60 quakes recorded near Ecuador in the last three days.  Several of these have been moderately large, or greater than 5 magnitude.  Earthquakes in the U.S. are virtually nonexistent at present, including the west coast states of Washington, Oregon and California. 
"Weather forecasters warn a fierce storm slamming the East Coast could turn into a blizzard [January 22]. With snow falling on his city, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said conditions could become "life threatening" and he asked residents to stay off the streets as he activated an emergency operations center."  (CNN)
"In a sequence of three 13-day windows in January and February, earthquakes will extend first to South America, Central America and Mexico, then the New Madrid fault line as far west as Arkansas in the US, and in the third 13-day window (late January and early February) will include the northern U.S. and Canada and, finally, the Arctic and Alaska. A new sequence of earthquake and volcanic activity will begin in the Pacific in late February and early March.

"Electrical and magnetic storms are probable in this very warm winter. We are in a rare third year of El Nino warming - 2003, 2004 and 2005. Solar activity is steadily declining to minimum conditions, yet highly active electrical and magnetic storms with power failures are still likely during this period. These conditions will extend to North Atlantic areas of England and Spain as well as the U.S. in January. A launch scheduled at Cape Canaveral on January 12 could also be affected with storms and/or power failures.

The Pacific area is in constant change with the Pacific plate moving beneath the American plate along the West Coast, but earthquakes and volcanoes in the Pacific will quiet down for a while in early 2005 then grow more active again by March and April 2005."

Krsanna, from the Spanish wire service EFE (sorry I don't have an English translation). It says that with these eight last night there have now been 60 small quakes recorded in this region since Thursday, the strongest being 5.4 on the Richter scale, around 50 kms west of the province of Manabi and at a depth of between 12 and 17 kms.
Sábado, 22 de Enero de 2005
Ocho nuevos seísmos sacuden el mar frente a costas de Ecuador



Ocho nuevos seísmos se han registrado durante la noche pasada en el Océano Pacífico, frente a las costas ecuatorianas, sin que hasta el momento se hayan reportado víctimas o daños materiales, informó el Instituto Geofísico.

Patricio Verdesoto, técnico del Instituto, confirmó hoy, sábado, a EFE que los seísmos están entre 4,1 y 4,7 grados de magnitud en la escala de Richter.

Los temblores se produjeron a unos 50 kilómetros al oeste de la costa de la provincia de Manabí y a una profundidad de entre 12 y 17 kilómetros.

Con los nuevos ocho seísmos, suman ya 60 los registrados de más de cuatro grados de magnitud desde el pasado jueves en la misma zona en el Océano Pacífico.

El seísmo más fuerte se reportó el jueves pasado por la noche alcanzó una magnitud de 5,4 grados.

La secuencia de seísmos empezó el pasado jueves a las 11.46 hora local (16.46 GMT) en un proceso ininterrumpido que puede continuar por más tiempo, según los técnicos del Instituto Geofísico.

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Stay in your heart. Regardless of what happens, stay in your heart.

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