Monday, March 25, 2019

Making an Art Studio at Home

12 Ways to make an Art Studio
Art studio ideas for small spaces, How to Make an Art Studio at Home


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The Three Muses - Collage and Mixed Media on Paper 11"x14"
Bella: "As a teaching artist I read a lot about living creatively and how other artists go about keeping the flow of creativity open and fluid. I have always felt that during a creative session the process seems effortless and happens without any apparent active thought.  Some call this the flow state. Some people who approach creative work from a spiritual standpoint theorize about a universal creative font that is accessible to all; and accessing this universal creativity plugs you into a limitless flow of creative ideas. This well of creativity is ever expanding and unlimited and one you can continue to dip into at any time. Having this mindset can serve to take the burden off of the artist who now only needs to serve as a vessel who draws from this well for creative ideas."

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