Friday, January 04, 2019

Cartoon Roundup Jan. 1, 2019 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Nancy Spends Shutdown in Hawaii
Nancy is not interested in negotiating with Trump and like Schumer, is more interested in making Trump look bad than protecting the country. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2018.

Newman CA Officer Ronil Singh Killed

Democrats are famous for saying “if it saves but on life” when it comes to their leftist agenda, but not when it actually comes to keeping Americans safe. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2018.

A.F. Branco Christmas Card 2018

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! A.F. Branco Christmas card photo.

CENSORED: Ben Garrison Cartoons Taken Offline

According to his own about page "Ben Garrison is an independent political cartoonist based in Northwest Montana. Ben began drawing cartoons in 2009 to protest the central banker bailout, bloated government and the slide toward tyranny. Ben's cartoons have been seen by millions of people around the world.

Here are some of the most shocking cartoons that we won't publish on our site. We hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed drawing them. 

For the first one, one thing that has always bugged me is the blind fear and worship of the federal government. Yeah, such a government is mandated in our Constitution, but they’re supposed to fear We The People, not the other way ‘round. Yet over time it has grown from a controlled and small central government into a massive, leviathan, and fearful force. That’s what such a government boils down to: force backed up with firearms. If you don’t pay your ‘federal’ income taxes, theoretically men could show up at your door to arrest you. If you resist, they can shoot you.

We need to become aware of this mindset—that government is always right and it’s always the ‘authority.’ Often it’s very wrong and right now corruption is rampant. Such government deserves our scorn and ridicule—NOT having its wasteful spending butt kissed.

The "Make The First Lady Great Again" cartoon really triggered the Left which resulted in temporary bans from Facebook and Twitter, along with the site mysteriously shutting down. This cartoon is "racist" "misogynist" and "despicable", according to them, but I had a great time drawing it.

The "European Vacation" cartoon has resulted in a permanent ban with Wordpress because of Pakistan. Criticizing Muslims is off limits. Even the phrase "bringing home the bacon" is censored over there.

Lastly, we all wish Hillary Clinton would go away. #Lockherup

Since we can't publish these on our site, we are now publishing them at our Cartoon Headquarters, The Garrison for all to see.
This is a place where I will only be posting these types of cartoons.

If you want to learn more about The Garrison, please click on the link below.

You will also receive our latest cartoons by email, around 3-5 per week, so you will never miss out on one. 

We also want to thank you for subscribing to our email list. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to email us.

If you want to donate to support us and the MAGA movement, please do so at the link below. All donations go towards making and keeping America Great Again. We thank you for your kind support.

Click Here To Donate

Thank you.

Ben Garrison
CEO of GrrrGraphics

Political Cartoons by Tom Stiglich

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
Blogger Dee Note: I got an Alexa thingee for Christmas. Having fun asking her stupid questions! Gave up worrying about being tracked - too late now! Gonna get a small Google Home too. Amazon doesn't sell them, but I can get one on Ebay. Why not be spied on from all around.

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