Wednesday, March 08, 2017

WIKILEAKS VAULT 7: CIA Is Listening Via Everything

Published on Mar 7, 2017
 Wikileaks Vault 7 was released to the public at 9 a.m. Eastern Time. And it changes everything. The C.I.A. is in possession of hacking and listening tools far beyond what most thought was technically possible. Tools that can evade even the best forensics teams & anti-virus software. And a tool that allows your television to record your conversations and send them directly to a CIA server for further analysis, even if your TV is turned off. That "Fake Off" mode, bro. Gotta watch out for that!

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Wikileaks Vault 7: This Is Just The Beginning...

The fact of the matter is the USA has a shadow government run by global elites and largely funded by the illegal drug trade. Their illegal cocaine sales alone in the US are estimated to be over 35 BILLION DOLLARS. This funds black projects and unsavory shadow government programs all working towards a Global Government. During their times in Arkansas the Clintons helped get approval in Arkansas for a strange airport believed to be built solely to fly massive amounts of drugs into the country and since then the Clinton Crime Family has risen in power and prominence in the NWO organization. The CIA spying machine is not just huge it is godzilla huge and is Global.

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The Global Police State needs their network in place for the global takeover and the coming depopulation program. Perhaps it's true what they say, Ignorance is bliss.

Seed Vault
Whistleblower organization WikiLeaks has been flying under the radar after helping to derail the Clinton crime family with the pre-election release of tens of thousands of emails belonging to slimy Democrat operative John Podesta. The Podesta Emails were leaked in agonizing installments and exposed the dirty and quite possibly sinister machinations of top figures in the Clinton campaign.

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