Thursday, March 09, 2017

Steve Quayle-There Is Advanced Alien Technology Buried in Antarctica
Published on Jan 21, 2017
Author Steve Quayle contends, “Black physics is beyond the PhD level, and we are seeing this with CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research). What is so critical for people to understand is, as more activity takes place at CERN, the occult rituals associated with it are so in your face you can’t dismiss this stuff anymore as being the ranting's of this fringe or that fringe. Something is happening, and the Antarctic is critical. It’s my contention that because of the advanced technology of the Third Reich . . . that they went under the ice, so to speak, and came into contact with beings, sentient beings that Wernher von Braun and others have made reference to many times before they passed away. So, all this is a matter of record. When you put all the records together, it points to this: There is some entity or group of entities that are thinking and have advanced technology and, basically, give orders to the religious and political leaders of our day.”
Jeffrey Keller, ASC/NSF

The history of the world is not what it is. It is what the powers that be pretend it to be. For the record, all of the world’s leaders never believed that Hitler died in the bunker.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Steve Quayle, author of “Empire Beneath the Ice.”

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