Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Pyramids in Underwater Cities

Sudden Earth changes with earthquakes, pole shift, and tsunamis could explain the rapid burying of these cities.  These are thousands of years old!  

Antarctica was flash frozen - there are pyramids underneath the ice, just now being found. 

Flash freezing can be caused by a sudden pole shift, and rapid melting of the glaciers of ice ages also happens with pole shifts.  Imagine that a warm temperate climate in Antarctica was suddenly transformed into sub-zero temperatures due to a pole shift. 

We may be having at present, somewhat of a gradual thaw of glaciers, and Ice buildup, and then as tension builds, a sudden pole shift. Geological records indicate pole reversals. By inspection of the line-up of molecules in minerals, past pole shifts can be revealed. The line-up changes according to where the compass points during a warming of the mineral. When it cools and solidifies, the line-up is permanent. Until the next pole shift!



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