Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Volcano Rotorua experiences another hydrothermal eruption

Monday's geyser was seen from Ohinemutu Village, pictured.
Monday's geyser was seen from Ohinemutu Village, pictured.

Published on Nov 27, 2016
Geysers erupted in a lake near Rotorua this morning, forcing one witness and her family to flee to higher ground.

Last updated 19:25, November 30 2016

Hohepa Timihou, the man who has lived in Rotorua’s Ohinemutu his whole life, saw something that blew his mind this afternoon.
Published on Nov 29, 2016
Video courtesy of Hohepa Timihou.

'Never ever in my lifetime'! Rotorua resident left stunned by first eruption he's ever seen on lake  
Another hydrothermal eruption in Rotorua is likely a "secondary event" of earlier activity, a volcanologist says.
GeoNet on Wednesday afternoon reported the hydrothermal eruption in Rotorua.
"We've had reports of another hydrothermal eruption at Rotorua. Our trusty volcanologist @Eruptn is heading out to take a look," the geological hazard monitoring agency said on Twitter.
Eyewitness Shane Aromoana said the rumble could be heard before the eruption could be seen.
"It was just black sand going up in the air.
"It was awesome."
GNS Science volcanologist Brad Scott said the eruption was "small to very small."
"If I came here without the knowledge [it happened] I wouldn't see any evidence of it."
He said the eruption was about two metres high.
"It's what geothermal systems do. Eruptions like this are not uncommon.
"The unusual thing is it hadn't happened before."
In regards to a possible earthquake linkage, Scott isn't sure.
"How do you join those dots? I wouldn't discount it though."
There's also a lot of activity in Kuirau park at present, he said.
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