Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Netanyahu Welcomes Trump as New President -"True Friend" of Israel - The Geller Report


Netanyahu declares Trump ‘a true friend of the state of Israel’ who will help bring ‘peace and stability in our region’ By Jay Akbar For Mailonline,9 November 2016
Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed Donald Trump as new American president
‘I look forward to working with him to advance security,’ Israeli leader said
His Education Minister said it marked the end of idea of Palestinian state
Many Western leaders have congratulated reality TV star on the victory
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu congratulated Donald Trump on his election as US president on Wednesday and called him ‘a true friend of the state of Israel’.
‘I look forward to working with him to advance security, stability and peace in our region,’ Israeli leader Netanyahu said in a statement.
He went on: ‘The ironclad bond between the United States and Israel is rooted in shared values, buttressed by shared interests and driven by a shared destiny.

Netanyahu Welcomes Trump as New President ... "True Friend" of Israel - The Geller Report:

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