Sunday, May 22, 2016

Many Volcanoes and Fireballs all Across the Planet

There is so much going on right now that one can barely keep up. Volcanoes erupting and rumbling all across the planet while a record number of fireballs and near earth objects are exploding over our skies on a daily basis. You really need to be testing your emergency plans. War game each and every possible scenario because you may be putting it into use tomorrow.
Tom Lupshu

Sinabung Volcano eruption kills 3 and injures 4 in Indonesia

Three people were killed and four were critically injured after the Sinabung Volcano erupted in Sumatra, Indonesia on May 21, 2016.

All of the victims of the blast were farming in the village of Gamber in the red zone around the volcanic peak.

The explosion shot volcanic ash as high as 2 miles into the air and that ash tumbled down the slopes as far as 3 miles westward into a river. 
Several homes were also destroyed during the blast.
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Mount Sinabung is among more than 120 active volcanoes in Indonesia, which is prone to seismic upheaval due to its location on the Pacific Ring of Fire which is currently very active.
sinabung eruption kills 3 may 21 2016, sinabung volcano eruption kills 3 indonesia, deadly eruption sinabung volcano, indonesian volcano eruption kills 3 and injures 4, latest volcano eruption may 2016, deadly volcano eruption sinabung may 2016
Despite repeated warnings people still return to the area for farming and working their fields.

May 17 2016 - American Meteor Society Reports

Huge Fireball Over North Eastern US Lights Up Sky - Maine

Fireball rips the sky south of Montreal
Published on May 18, 2016
Published on May 19, 2016
Pinamar and the area are convulsed by the fall of a meteorite. The news was confirmed by the mayor of the town, Martin Yesa, in a series of messages on Twitter.

"He fell an object in the sky in 2125 near Pinamar. The tremor was felt throughout the town. We are finding out , "he tweeted the village headman. He added: "The object would have fallen between Cariló and Villa Gesell. Many people scared, jumped amount of alarm systems ".

The first findings would confirm that the cosmic object crashed into the sea, within walking distance of the coast and the residents of Pinamar are reporting a tremor at 21.25. They are analyzed at the moment the cameras monitoring the municipality to see if images were recorded path.

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Crust of the earth becoming increasingly unstable

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