Monday, March 28, 2016

You Can't Trust Anything You See on the News

Facial Expression Software can mislead, deceive you even in real-time live TV news!

Students at the University of 
Erlangen-Nuremberg, the Max 
Planck Institute for Informatics 
and Stanford University have 
developed a program which can 
seamlessly and completely alter 
the facial expressions
of on-air 
subjects in live-streaming television.

This must-see footage is utterly
flabbergasting and likely just a tip
of what has been evolving lately,
in the realm of CGI.

Let this clip be a lesson to anyone,
as to whether they want to believe
any big-budget programming they
may ever see again!

Video: (7 mins): 
New Tech Shows Why You Can't Trust Anything You See on the News

Contributing sources:


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