Saturday, July 25, 2015

Warning "Kick 'em Jenny" Volcano Rumbles Awake

Warning issued as the Kick 'em Jenny volcano in the Caribbean Sea off Grenada threatens to erupt and could cause ships to sink without trace

  • Underwater volcano is expected to erupt at any time within 24 hour period
  • Could trigger tsunami and cause hot rocks to be shot three miles in the air
  • Before erupting goes through degassing process which puts ships at risk
  • When that happened in 1944, a passenger ship sunk after losing buoyancy - killing 60 people  

An underwater volcano off the Caribbean coast is on the verge of erupting - posing a risk to all passing ships.
Named Kick 'em Jenny, the volcano - which sits 180m below sea level off the northern coast of Grenada - has produced no less than 200 small earthquakes since it began stirring on July 11.
However, experts at the University of the West Indies' Seismic Research Centre have raised its threat level to orange, predicting that it could erupt at any point.
Scroll down for video 

If it were to, then both passing ships and nearby islands will be in danger of being hit by a tsunami.
Scientists say the risk is relatively low, but both shipping and marine vessels in the region have been urged to take heed, with recreational ships ordered to stay at least 3 miles from the summit.
Submarine volcanoes are known to release intense amounts of gas when they erupt, and in between such release gas bubbles in a process known as degassing.

Any eruption could also see Kick 'em Jenny spout hot rocks out of the water and as much as three miles into the air.
They then pose a significant risk to ships caught in the vicinity.
In 1944, degassing from Kick 'em Jenny caused a passenger vessel to sink, killing 60 people. 
Its last eruption was in 14 years ago, in 2001.
The rumbling volcano is situated just off the north coast of the Caribbean island of Grenada
The rumbling volcano is situated just off the north coast of the Caribbean island of Grenada
Named Kick 'em Jenny, the volcano - which sits 180m below sea level off the northern coast of Grenada (pictured)  - has produced no less than 200 small earthquakes since it began stirring on July 11
Named Kick 'em Jenny, the volcano - which sits 180m below sea level off the northern coast of Grenada (pictured)  - has produced no less than 200 small earthquakes since it began stirring on July 11

Contributing Sources:

Dr Richard Robertson on Kick Em Jenny Heightened Activities July 2015 - YouTube:

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