Monday, July 20, 2015

Shark Attacks Surfer During Competition in South Africa

Australia's Prime Minister says Competitor Fanning's shark attack terrifying


... shark during fishing trip with friends off Australia's south coast
Prime Minister Tony Abbott says Mick Fanning is likely one hell of a relieved surfer after surviving a shark attack during competition in South Africa.

Mick Fanning vs. shark

Mick Fanning: Shark Attacks Surfer During Final of J-Bay Open Competition in South Africa

Three-time world surfing champion Mick Fanning was attacked by a shark Sunday during a competition off the coast of South Africa but escaped unharmed.
The World Surf League canceled the J-Bay Open shortly after the attack, saying in a statement that "the safety of our athletes is a priority."

"I just can't believe it," said Fanning, who was nearly overcome with emotion on multiple instances during his interview with the World Surf League's official website. "I'm just tripping. ... To walk away from that, I'm just so stoked."
Fanning, 34, was in the water in Jeffreys Bay -- off South Africa's eastern cape -- waiting for his turn to compete when the shark attacked him.
"All of the sudden, I just had this instinct that something was behind me," the Australian said. "And then all of the sudden, I felt like I started getting pulled underwater. Then the [shark] came up, and I was on my board and it was like right there, and I saw the whole thing thrashing around.
"I was getting dragged under by my leg wrap, and then I felt like it kicked me off, 
but it was still there, and I was still attached to my board. I felt like it was dragging me underwater, and then my leg wrap broke, and I started swimming and screaming."
Fanning said he was "totally fine," claiming that the only things the shark damaged were his surfboard and leg wrap.
World Surf League commissioner Kieren Perrow said he does not believe that a surfer had ever been attacked by a shark during a competition prior to Sunday's incident.
"It's shaken everyone," Perrow said. "We're just happy to see [Fanning] safe and alive. ... It's not something you believe would ever happen, and to see it unfold on live [television] is incredibly scary for everyone."

See also: Fish are Killing Humans 
(Reuters) - A leaping sturgeon struck and killed a 5-year-old girl boating with her family on a river in Florida, and a similar incident injured two adults in a different part of the state, wildlife officials said on Saturday.


Open news article

Mick Fanning says shark attack was 'the scariest thing I have been through'

Professional surfer Mick Fanning is due to arrive back in Australia on Tuesday afternoon following a shark attack that still has him "rattled", a day after the...
The Age 1 hour ago - Front PageAlso reported by • •DNA • •New Zealand Herald •Digital Spy
Open news article

Kelly Slater Says Shark Was Spotted Hours Before Mick Fanning’s Attack

Kelly Slater is saying his friend “clearly” saw a shark in the water several hours before Mick Fanning was attacked. Ever since Fanning was attacked in...
WebProNews 2 hours ago - Internet
Open news article

Fanning unscathed but shaken after shark attack

Three-time world champion surfer Mick Fanning says he would be happy never to compete again after surviving a shark attack during a surfing event at Jeffreys Bay...
The Age 13 hours ago - Front PageAlso reported by • •DNA • •Mashable •Digital Spy


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