Friday, July 24, 2015

Planet X, Astronauts, SkyWatchTV - Major Quake Due,

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GLOBAL SEISMIC UPTICK: Earthquakes - The Fuse That Ignites Volcanoes ...

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Vatican Observatory - galaxies and students from near and far

SkyWatchTV News 7/23/15: Major Quake Due for San Francisco

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Published on Jul 23, 2015
San Francisco is overdue for a major earthquake, according to a geophysicist at the USGS. As if California doesn't have enough problems.

Also: ISIS testing toy drones as bombers, Planet X/Nibiru theories make a comeback, and another alien face on Mars.

    SkyWatch TV Shared on Google+ · 4 hours ago

    If there were a large inbound planet-like object, it would not necessarily be the brightest thing in the night sky. In fact, if it were a brown dwarf, as mentioned in the video, it would not be bright at all. Brown dwarfs are very difficult to see. They reflect very little light and give off basically no visible light. There are some classes of brown dwarfs that are nearly black objects. There is a theoretical object called a black dwarf that would be almost impossible to see. There are other objects that are quite dark and difficult to see. Even red dwarfs are very difficult to see.

    They are ive seen it its great big with 3 little ones around it then 5 other people saw it one woman put it picture on facebook it leaves red orange colored cloud as its getting dark and pink after it turns dark its out there

    Planet X is the object that blocked the sun for 3 hours when Jesus was crucified and probably what caused the earthquake. It will be the 6th seal also. Planet X explains most of the trumpet judgements too, with its enormous debris trail.

    Thank you for mentioning Planet X. I think this is exactly what what the Vatican is watching from their Mount Graham Observatory. The "aliens" will come from Niburu or the left behind will be deceived into believing they came from Nibiru. My guess.

    Planet x

    See also: JADE HELM 15 Coincides with Potential ASTEROID Strike

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