Monday, April 06, 2015

ISIS One Finger Signal to the World - Wake up, America!


Why did Barack Hussein Obama make the famous ‘One-Finger ISIS’ salute at the African Leaders’ Summit in Washington D.C.?

Obviously a signal; He is letting everyone know where he stands – and he did say in his book that he would 'stand with the Muslims'. So when martial law is declared, Muslims will have nothing to fear, at least from him. 
Originally posted on Daily Truth Pills:

A photo taken at last August’s U.S.-African Leaders’ Summit in Washington D.C. might shed considerable light. It shows Barack Hussein Obama flashing the one-finger affirmation of the Islamic State to dozens of African delegates.


American Thinker  The Associated Press took this astonishing photo as the African dignitaries joined Obama, who hosted the event, in a State Department auditorium for a group photograph.  It was published in an article in Britain’s Daily Mail, and it was the only use ever of the photo.

The one-finger display is the distinctive Muslim gang sign (most notably the sign of ISIS): The index finger points straight up while the thumb wraps underneath and presses against the digital phalange of the middle finger.  The remaining fingers are squeezed against the palm in order to highlight the extended forefinger.

ISIS jihadist with ISIS flag and one-finger ISIS salute

The extended finger is symbolic of the one-God concept of Muhammad and is understood by all believers…

View original 96 more words and more photos.
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84 Transit Bus Ads make Muslims Blood Boil

(So, they are pissed off? My blood is boiling too because of them.
See my rant following this article.)
Ads from the pro-Israel American Freedom Defense Initiative will appear on 84 buses over the course of the next month, are sure to make the heads of Muslims everywhere explode.
And the offended Muslims say on the Albawaba News site: “Anti-Muslim ads on US buses raise Islamophobia concerns......"
See more pictures and RANT:

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